Tag: brunch recap

GGB Memphis- Rogue One Brunch

GGB Memphis- Rogue One Brunch

Rogue One Brunch – Geek Girl Brunch Memphis The Memphis Brunchettes gathered at the Second Line on Saturday December 17th for pre-show brunch before heading out to see Rogue One. There was much laughter and friendly competition as we played a round of Star Wars 

GGB Memphis- Wear Your Fandom Inaugural Brunch

GGB Memphis- Wear Your Fandom Inaugural Brunch

Memphis Geek Girl Brunch Launch – Wear Your Fandom A handful of Memphis Brunchettes took a break from Memphis Comic and Fantasy Con weekend on Sunday November 20th to gather at Amerigo and have our first official Geek Girl Brunch. We were joined on this 

Ugly Sweater/Mug Swap: GGB Baltimore goes Holiday

Ugly Sweater/Mug Swap: GGB Baltimore goes Holiday

It was an extremely blustery and cold (to levels over 9000!) day when the brunchettes ventured to downtown Baltimore for our very first Ugly Sweater/Mug and Cookie Recipe swap. It was a modest turn out for the day, but with it being so close to 

Hitchhiker’s Guide to 2017 – GGB DFW

Hitchhiker’s Guide to 2017 – GGB DFW

This month, we met for one of our semi-annual co-ed events for the holidays: a Hitchhiker’s Guide to 2017 at Zeus Comics and Collectibles! The theme wasn’t just limited to Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. Instead, anything related to space was fair game to end 

GGB Fresno:  Co-Ed Harry Potter Brunch

GGB Fresno: Co-Ed Harry Potter Brunch

Hogwarts is Our Home! GGB Fresno celebrated the magical world of witches and wizards with our co-ed Harry Potter themed brunch at The Elbow Room. Our geek girls feasted on sandwiches, french toast, and other delicious brunch items and washed it all down with mimOsas, 

GGB Fresno: Suicide Squad Lunch

GGB Fresno: Suicide Squad Lunch

GGB Fresno’s August meetup celebrated the long awaited release of the Suicide Squad movie! Most of our geek girls had seen the film prior to our event, so we met over lunch at The Mad Duck in Fresno’s Campus Pointe to share our thoughts on 

GGB Prescott Launch: Pokemon Gonna Meet!

GGB Prescott Launch: Pokemon Gonna Meet!

GGB Prescott Launch: To celebrate our first brunch in September 2016, we had to catch’em all! With Pokemon Go! being one of the summer’s most popular trends, Pokemon was the perfect choice. The Location  Cuppers, a locally owned coffee hot spot in the heart of 

GGB DFW Videogame Brunch

GGB DFW Videogame Brunch

DFW area brunchettes were thrilled to experience Free Play in Richardson this month for the first time, for our videogame-themed brunch. This venue not only has food and drinks but also has a whole room full of arcade games all set to free play mode! It 

GGB PDX – Magical Girl Brunch

GGB PDX – Magical Girl Brunch

The Portland chapter of Geek Girl Brunch recently gathered together in SE Portland to enjoy a magical girl themed brunch. The brunch was held at Nightlight Lounge and featured breakfast favorites like buttermilk pancakes, huevos rancheros, tofu hash and a few shared rounds of mimosas. 

The Geek Girl Sitter’s Club – GGB Savannah

The Geek Girl Sitter’s Club – GGB Savannah

The theme for this month’s Geek Girl Brunch was, “The Geek Girl Sitter’s Club,” which celebrated any and all literature that influenced us and helped us grow during our tween/teenage years. Everyone has books that changed who they were as a person; be it historical