Welcome to the Jackson, Mississippi Chapter Page!
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Official Chapter Launch:
July 28th, 2019
Meet and Greet
Check out some of our recent blog posts about our brunches!

Hey there my fellow geeky divas! My name is Rachel, but my friends call me Rae. I’ve lived in Mississippi all of my life. I consider myself the Southern Shikamaru with an adamantium smile. My love and passion for anime, superheroes and video game was inspired by my older brothers. I owe all of my geek obsessions and hobbies to them. Some of my favorite geek obsessions involve collecting button pins, attending comic conventions and jamming to anime opening theme songs. My favorite is the Yu Yu Hakusho theme. My love for cosplay has grown and I love creating new ways to put my own special twist on my favorite characters. I’m an attorney by day and cosplay newbie by night and all while running a party bus business. Just your friendly neighborhood Otaku girl always looking for that next anime to binge on. So if you see me around Jackson don’t hesitate to say hey!
Geeky Top Ten: Comic, Cosplaying, video games, Comic conventions, One Piece, Yu Yu hakusho, Sailor Moon, Fairy Tail, Attack on Titan , Demon Slayer
Brunch Drink of Choice: TEQUILA
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Twitter: geekedupjxn
Instagram: @gamma_rae_cosplay
I’ve been an Otaku anime lover since I can remember. Whether it was Digimon, Beyblade, Sailor Moon, or DBZ I was watching it. As I’ve gotten older I’ve branched out to Korean Dramas and Japanese Dramas but my love for anime and manga will never die. I’m a lawyer by day but fangirl always. Looking forward to brunching and geeking out with you!!
Geeky Top Ten: kdramas, X/1999, Kpop, ouran High School Host Club, jdramas, Legal Drug and Drug Drop, Yu Yu Hakusho, Mars, Tudor History, Sailor Moon
Brunch Drink of Choice: Scotch, Whiskey, Bourbon
Twitter: @BonnerBabe
Instagram: @bonnerbabe
Heeey my lovely Geekettes! I’m Kyrstyn (Kay) and let me start by saying that I’m totally Geeked that this is happening! So, here’s my Geek/Nerd confession I AM A COMPLETE POTTERHEAD! Anything about pottermore y’all need to know I’m ya girl! I just love anything dealing with magic voodoo, wizards, witches, warlocks, wear wolves, vampires and of course Anime! I’m also an event designer and I work the State of MS. I’m so in love with this idea and I can’t to get to know you all.
Peace, Love & Potter!
Geeky Top Ten: Harry Potter EVERYTHING, Sailor Moon, InuYasha, Tudor History, Voodoo History, Orisha History, Fantasy movies and books, Horror Stories and Movies (Not Gore), Jo Jo Bizarre, Oh, did I mention Harry Potter?
Brunch Drink of Choice: Champagne, TEQUILA
Hogwarts House: RAVENCLAW