Geek Girl Brunch Mission
Geek Girl Brunch hopes to create a safe environment where identifying geek girls can be themselves to give voice, network, create friendships, inspire each other and hang out!
While GGB HQ and its officers hold the mission of GGB as paramount, they are not trained counselors or medical personnel. If you need immediate help dial 911 (in the US) or one of the numbers listed on our suggested Emergency Contact Page. Please visit 911 Abroad for a full list of international emergency phone numbers.
Brunchette Code of Conduct
Brunchettes should strive to uphold the core mission of GGB and conduct themselves in a manner that allows for the creation of a safe space where friendships bloom and ideas flow. This begins with kindness, tolerance, acceptance and empathy.
Brunchettes respect their fellow brunchettes and their Chapter Officers.
Brunchettes shall not use GGB to steal, harass, bully, intimidate, or violate the privacy of their Officers, fellow Brunchettes or the restaurants and vendors that host/sponsor GGB.
Brunchettes should report to GGB HQ anyone that they know to be using GGB to break the law (steal, spy, stalk, harass).
Geek Girl Brunch Officer Mission
Geek Girl Brunch Officers pledge to lead their chapters by working together with their fellow officers to organize brunches and other chapter events. They will uphold the core mission of GGB by working to build a safe environment where brunchettes can be themselves, build friendships, inspire each other, and hang out.
Officer Code of Conduct
Officers shall act deliberately to uphold the core mission of GGB in person, online, in every interaction when acting as a GGB Officer. Officers should respect and value each other and their brunchettes.
Officers shall not use their status to steal, to intimidate and/or bully, or to violate the privacy of their fellow officers or brunchettes.
Officers shall not make any personal monetary profit off of GGB events
Officers are expected to have regular, fruitful meetings with their fellow officers. While officers run their local chapter, they should defer to GGB HQ in any event or interaction that involves GGB as a whole (ex. when a chapter gains/loses an officer or when the Mission of GGB is at risk).
GGB Officers should have regular communication with their Brunchettes. Communication should occur from GGB accounts (not private emails or private social media accounts).
Officers do not have the authority to ban or kick out other officers or any brunchettes without consultation with GGB HQ. Geek Girl Brunch will work toward amicable reconciliation in disputes involving officers and/or brunchettes whenever possible.
GGB HQ Rights & Responsibilities
Geek Girl Brunch Headquarters is held to the same standards and code of conduct as brunchettes and officers, as well as additional responsibilities.
GGB HQ manages all of the chapters and provides guidance and support to the officers.
All new officers and chapters must be onboarded by GGB HQ or they are not considered official officers or chapters by Geek Girl Brunch.
GGB HQ has the authority to remove or ban any brunchette, officer or chapter that violates the GGB Mission.
Helpful Links
What is a “Safe Space”?