Reno GGB 2023 Recap

Reno GGB was slow to get back up and running after the lockdowns passed, but we did it. We came back with a change in the leadership as one of the officers stepped down. Anzia, Kayla, and Julie are working their way up to the standards of the officers who have gone. That’s why there’s not been a recap, they’ve honestly just forgotten about it every month. They did, however, remember to get pictures sometimes.
Regardless of the changes, we started meeting in person again in March with the apt theme of “long awaited sequels.” It was a lovely get together where we discussed which sequels we loved; which we hated; and which we wished would be done. In a turn that might or might not surprise people, a lot of the remake/sequels, or refuels, were on the list of disliked items. A total non-surprise was that anime continuations were high on the “wish would happen” list.
In April, the discussion was “Mimics or Mimosas.” This was all about table top RPGs and similar board games. Unfortunately, the note taker accidentally deleted the notes from the meeting and therefore can’t comment on the amazingly long list of games that everyone decided they wanted to try. It’s amazing the breadth of games out there and even more so the amount of experience everyone had with different ones! We’ve decided that, at some point, we must do a game themed brunch.
May brought us to Mother’s Day and “Fictional Moms that Inspire.” We wanted to discuss those maternal figures that inspired us to be the best maternal figure we can be and those that we saw as cautionary tales. The general consensus was that Disney + Mom = death sentence as most of them are not around. That said, Disney did produce some great mom figures in Lilo’s Sister; the aunt in Big Hero 6; all the fairy godmothers; Maleficent (in Maleficent not Sleeping Beauty). Also discussed were: Chili Healer (Bluey), Molly Weasley (Harry Potter), Prof. McGonagall (Harry Potter), Jackie Tyler (Dr. Who), Queen Charlotte & Bridgerton moms.
June we celebrated inclusion and diversity via LGBTQIA+ in media. Discussions included Heaven’s Official Blessing, Yuri on Ice, Evangelion, Kazuna Hi, Cherry Magic, Sailor Moon, Sherlock Holmes, Harry Potter, Owl House, and She-Ra. It was a great discussion where the note taker found the conversation too intriguing to have much in the way of notes. But it was a great meeting with lively discussion and sharing of suggestions around good food.
July was the “house of mouse adventure brunch” where our Disney World and Disney Land were to be the topic. Sadly, the only attendees were two of the officers and therefore officer business was discussed

August was “Addictive Adaptations” and we didn’t shy away from the topic. We asked for the top 3 favorite adaptations; as well as which media piece an adaption would be wanted; and which we’d love deleted from the world. There were a wide range of loved adaptations from musicals, to movies, to TV shows. The same range covered the adaptations that we wished didn’t exist (although, there were one or two that split people). Most people wanted adaptations of their favorite literary worlds or redos of already done shows/movies. Regardless, it was a fantastic discussion full of knowledge and passion.
September was a new topic in “Supernatural Scholastic September.” A small group of us got together and discussed what worlds we would love to go to school in. Harry Potter was discussed (with a Hufflepuff & Slytherin in attendance) as well as other magical worlds like the YA series “So You Want to Be a Wizard.” Also mentioned was Mercedes Lackey’s Heralds Collegium, Starfleet Academy, Pokémon Trainer School (in the Alolan or Palmer regions), Ouran Host Club, Owl Host School, Tōtsuki Culinary Academy, Twisted Wonderland (mobile phone game), Monster High, Deadly Education, and Star Wars Jedi Temple. It was a very wide array of places we’d go which led to a great discussion on if we liked school or not and eventually led to what we liked in books. We really do have some of the best discussions!
October was our annual Cosplay brunch which was sponsored by SNAFU Con. We played a game to win free tickets to the Con that was won by Anzia. We all dressed up in fantastic costumes that included a Barbie (in an amazing package!), specialized art version of Minnie Mouse, Blathers & Celeste (ACNH), amongst others.
November was “thankful loves” and we discussed our fandoms that got us through childhood or just rough times. The small gathering covered things like Star Wars, The Muppets, Frogs, Barbie Movies, and Spider-Man Homecoming. Eventually the discussion became about buying gifts for people and favorite video games to play. As with most meetings, people walked away with recommendations.

December was the White Elephant get together. We didn’t actually have a topic but just discussed whatever came to mind. Instead we did a gift exchange with great spa gifts, reading material, cozy hats/socks, games, crafting projects, and more. It was a great moment where we could all just relax in the holiday craziness and have great conversations. The officers came away with a list of new restaurants to try! All in all, it’s as a great brunch with the officers promising to do better with regards to recaps and pictures!