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New officer bios are below! Check out some of the chapters past brunch recapsÂ
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Official HOU Chapter launch:Â June, 2015
Meet Your Houston Officers
Clarisse’s Origin Story

Clarisse started watching anime before knowing what anime was, with Dragon Ball Z and Sailor Moon. The arcade was the funnest place for her in her primary years and Indiana Jones was her first-ever crush (that side grin could kill). She met her closest group of friends in middle school by running a Disney trivia game during lunch. On the bus rides in high school, Clarisse role-played in the Harry Potter universe with a brilliant posse of half-bloods. Somewhere between Neon Genesis Evangelion and A Tale of Two Sisters, Clarisse started developing the taste for psychologically tilted stories. If it’s f’d up, Clarisse will probably be interested in it. She also firmly believes that if most super villains had gotten laid, most of the awful shit wouldn’t have happened. Not Hitler, though. There was no helping that guy.
Clarisse currently enjoys working in accounting, taking photos, reading wikis & journaling during her (nonexistent) free time. She lives in central south Houston with her husband and toddler son.
Geeky Top 10: Firefly, Saga, Bioshock: Infinite, Oyasumi Punpun, horror films, sci-fi (recently: Love, Death & Robots), Aggretsuko, Disney, chiptune & its derivatives, Devilman:Crybaby
Geeky crush: Jason Momoa, Oscar Isaac
Brunch drink: Anything with matcha or lavender
Instagram: www.instagram.com/adorabilia/
Anime List: https://myanimelist.net/animelist/witlash
Personal website: adorabilia.com
Jackie’s Origin Story

Ever since Jackie was a wee little lass, she loved button mashing to her heart’s content in fighting games. She would read the comic books left around the house by her brother, and watch the anime OVA’s he purchased on VHS. She’d spend her time after school playing video games or watching TV. High school is where she would find camaraderie with fellow gaming and anime geeks. While working as a computer technician, she would meet her pro gamer future husband. After marriage they would combine their collection of Pogs, Pokemon cards, and video game paraphernalia. Most recently, they have combined forces with their fellow geek friends to play board games and D&D.
Jackie currently works for Spring ISD as a Campus Technology Specialist. She lives North of Houston in Spring with her husband and 2 doges. In her spare time she watches several online video streaming services, laughs at memes, and collects Funko Pops that reflect her pop culture interests.
Geeky Top 10: Harry Potter, Doctor Who, Star Wars, Sailor Moon, Miyazaki films, Pokemon, Nintendo, Board Games, D&D, Battlestar Galactica
Geeky Crush: Joe Mangeanello, Matt Mercer, Ezra Miller, Lucy Lawless
Brunch Drink: Anything that’s as sweet as candy
Anime List: https://myanimelist.net/animelist/jaxxy0