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Official Philadelphia Chapter Launch/Theme:
June 2015 – Jurassic Brunch!
About the Philadelphia Chapter
The Philadelphia Chapter of Geek Girl Brunch was launched in June of 2015. The inaugural brunch theme was Jurassic Brunch, and we have been going strong ever since. As of September 2019 we have almost 400 members and regularly have 15-25 brunchettes attend brunch each month.
Some past themes include Star Wars, Nintendo, Lord of the Rings, British Invasion, Star Trek, Space Divas, Board Games, and Game of Thrones. We’ve also hosted a Jane Austen tea party, a Miss Fisher murder mystery dinner party, and a YA book swap! Check out some blogs about our past brunch events!
We have an annual Harry Potter brunch in September each year, and it is one of our most beloved themes. In December we host a Geeky Gift Exchange where brunchettes bring an item from one of their favorite fandoms to exchange, white elephant style, with fellow brunchettes.
In the past we have held happy hour meetups and met for themed trivia nights in addition to monthly scheduled brunches. We hope to continue that tradition in the future, and have many more opportunities for geeky ladies to hang out!
Meet our Philadelphia Officers!
Samantha Cross

My foray into all things fandom began in the age of boybands where I was able to hone my fan skills attending lots of concerts and amassing a wide variety of collectibles. I climbed on board the Hogwarts Express fairly early in the journey and have refused to get off for almost 20 years now. Harry helped shape me into who I am today, and I am immensely grateful that I found such a wonderful and loving community to grow up with.
I love cosplay and conventions, marathon board game sessions, cleaning up at trivia night, and binge-watching tons of geeky TV. I am an annual passholder at Universal Orlando Resort and try and make at least a twice-annual pilgrimage to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter.
Geeky Top Ten: Harry Potter, Supernatural, Teen Wolf, Disney, Star Wars, Musicals, Doctor Who, Board Games, Great British Baking Show, Marvel Cinematic Universe
Brunch Drink of Choice:I like trying the house specialty cocktail or one of the craft beers on tap.
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Jenna Hill

Jenna was introduced into geekdom by her stepmother, Leslie, with Star Trek: TNG and hasn’t looked back since. She is an avid listener, as well as an avid reader, and at any given time, she can be found listening to an audiobook, musical theater, popular music, or reading, especially YA fiction. Her favorite genres in YA , include science fiction, realistic fiction, and speculative fiction.
Geeky Top Ten: Star Trek, Harry Potter, The Expanse, the MCU, Jane Austen, Kdramas, Musical Theater, TCM, Police Procedurals, and almost anything BBC.
Brunch Drink of Choice: Moscow Mule
Twitter @PhillyGirlJL
Instagram @PhillyGirlJL
Angelique Seth

I’ve been geeky since conception. I grew up with a model of the Enterprise in the dining room. My family played the Star Trek board game. Between the Chronicles of Narnia and The Girl with Silver Eyes, fantasy based fiction became my mainstay.
My first cosplay was Jem. I had wavy pink wig, dyed by my mom, gem-star earrings and a rockstar outfit. I was truly, truly, truly outrageous.
To me being geeky is normal. It’s the greatest outlet to express my creativity and my love of science.
If I’m not at work, I’m crafting a costume piece for me or my niece. I’m cooking, reading or possibly binge watching a food competition show.
Geeky Top Ten: Star Trek, Urban Fantasy(Amy Lane, D.B. Reynolds, Ilona Andrews), Resident Evil, Steampunk/ Afrofuturism (the perfect marriage of science and fantasy), Firefly, “Dark” Alice In Wonderland versions (Alice Madness Returns, Malice in Wonderland), Horror Movies, Babylon 5/Battle Star, Police Procedurals, Mythology (modern and futuristic twists)
Brunch Drink of Choice: Sparkling Pear or Sparkling Cucumber
Robin Falco

Robin is a 2nd generation geek, with fond memories of going to Star Trek movies & conventions with her father. Discouraged from pursuing a STEM career due to lackluster math skills, she went in the other direction and now has a degree in drama. She loves most things British, makes up in enthusiasm what she lacks in an attention span, and is known to have the diet of a young hobbit.
When not curled up on the couch with a cup of tea & a book, she spends her time cooking or baking, answering trivia, writing, committing random acts of crafting, researching 18th Century America, and raising the next generation of Geek Girls.
Geeky Top Ten: Star Trek, Harry Potter, Star Wars, Hamilton, Jeopardy!, Firefly, comics, gaming*, genre literature**, and animated shows she can watch “with her daughter.”***
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor!
Brunch Drink of Choice: 100% Tea, occasional chance of mimosa
*board games, D&D, and adventure-style video games from the ’80s & ’90s
**fantasy, sci-fi, historical fiction, and any combination thereof
***primarily My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Twitter @RobinFalco
Pinterest @RJFalco