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Twitter: ggb_dc
Check out some of our past brunches to learn more about our chapter history!
Meet your DC Officers!
Hey there Nerds, Casey here! I’m a greeting-card making, garbage picking, soundtrack listening, husband following, Jesus loving, jelly canning, mom of two who also finds plenty of time to fill her brains with geeky things! Growing up, I didn’t really fit the “nerd” persona (Movie trivia, yes! But fandom lover? No.) Sure, I watched a few Star Trek films, saw the Star Wars movies, read a ton, but it wasn’t until Star Trek 2009 hit the theaters that my inner nerd really came to fruition. Seeing that movie (and hearing the music, *swoon*) made me head over heels in love with the whole concept of Star Trek, and therefore, other fandoms, because, I mean, what *haven’t* they influenced?!
When I’m not playing City of Heroes (the *ultimate* phoenix!), I’m handcrafting greeting cards, picking up all the litter I see, cooking spicy jellies, and trying my best to entertain my two crazy sons!
I am currently relaunching the DC chapter and have also had the privilege of starting both the St. Louis and the Emerald Coast chapters, each of which are rockin’ house with their monthly brunches and charity events!
Geeky Top 10:
1. Star Trek
2. Poldark
3. City of Heroes
4. Game of Thrones
5. Outlander
6. Eureka
7. Haven
8. Jane Austen
9. Harry Potter
10. Lord of the Rings
Favorite Brunch Beverage: Poinsettias and a waterfall of coffee, please and thank you.
Instagram: SendMeInstead & PushPickRepeat
Hello! I’m Jill – geek, quilter, and knitter. I’m originally from Texas (Dallas born/raised, Austin for college), and lived in Florida for 8 years (first for grad school in Tampa, then as a military spouse at Eglin AFB where I first joined Geek Girl Brunch.) I’ve lived in Alexandria, VA for a little over a year, and am still adjusting to the idea of winter being consistently cold. I love crafts, especially quilting and knitting, and love getting to combine geek loves with craft loves (even if it’s just quilting or knitting while binge watching a new show or old favorite.) As far as geekiness goes – my parents are both huge readers, my mom loves Doctor Who and Star Trek, and my dad loves Star Wars – basically, I never had a shot of not being a geek. I grew up reading as many books as I could get my hands on, and especially fell in love with C.S. Lewis/Narnia, Jane Austen, and Harry Potter. I love board games, although might be a little too competitive for most people – including my husband – so I don’t get to play as much as I want. I’m really excited to be a part of Geek Girl Brunch again and looking forward to hanging out with fellow geek ladies each month!
Geeky Top 10:
1. Harry Potter
2. Lord of the Rings
3. Star Wars
4. Star Trek (especially Voyager)
5. Game of Thrones
6. Poldark
7. Battlestar Galactica
8. Bob’s Burgers
9. Disney (Aladdin, The Little Mermaid, and so many more!)
10. True Crime Podcasts (Sinisterhood, MFM, Last Podcast on the Left)
Favorite Brunch Beverage: Dr. Pepper every day (and mimosas or cider for the extra fun brunch days. 😉)
Instagram: crafty_giraffe