GGB Fort Collins Celebrates Jim Henson!

Welcome to the Wonderful World of Jim Henson
Raise your hand if you grew up watching Sesame Street, or Fraggle Rock, or The Muppets……. go on…… raise your hand…….OK, you can put your hand down now. Who didn’t grow up watching, reading, loving something from the world of Jim Henson?? We gathered together on a blustery, sub-zero temperature day in Downtown Fort Collins to celebrate the man, the legend.
We started off with ice breakers, an interesting fact about ourselves, and favorite anything-related-to Jim Henson. We expressed our love for the Muppet Movies, how The Dark Crystal scares some of us even to this day, and the song “Mahna Mahna,” which we all had to sing, and therefore, get it stuck in our heads for the rest of the day. Everyone dressed up for the occasion. We had everything from Miss Piggy to an ohmage to the ever-popular Labyrinth. Goodie bags were on-point, and included a Labyrinth themed magnet, Muppet stickers, some fun candy, and mind-bending puzzles. We even offered a goody bag to our waitress who was extremely interested in joining our ranks.

Fun and Games
After we ordered our food, Robyn, our newest officer, lead everyone in a game of Chose Your Own Adventure, Labyrinth style. She guided the ladies through the movie Labyrinth by putting a twist on the original story. If you chose the correct path, and racked up the most points, you would successfully save your baby brother from the clutches of the evil Goblin King. One of our new members wound up winning the game, and there was much rejoicing. Her prize included a Labyrinth themed deck of cards, a Cookie Monster bookmark, and a coloring book of Downtown Fort Collins. Score! We then held our raffle, and Mirelle won! She was thrilled to receive a home-made Muppet created by our very own GGB Officer, Gretchen.

Food and Farewell
After enjoying our food and wrapping up a successful brunch, Sarah, our original Officer, sadly announced that this would be her last brunch. We are going to miss her, but we wish her well in her geekdom journey, and hope to see her beautiful smiling face at our brunches as a guest. Thank you, Sarah, for all that you did for the Fort Collins chapter of GGB!
Gretchen concluded our brunch by announcing our next brunch theme, D&D!!!!!! We can’t wait to see all our geeky table-top gamers at our next brunch in April!
And on that note, we would like to include a special thank you to Jim Henson. For all that you did to make growing up special. For all the lessons we learned from watching Sesame Street. For all the times our imaginations went wild from watching shows like Fraggle Rock, or movies like Mirror Mask. For all the laughter from the Muppets, especially whenever Gonzo was present. And for every time our hearts opened up when we received your message of acceptance, and love.
For the lovers, the dreamers, and me. Thank you, Mr. Henson. You will live on in our hearts forever.