A Fairy Brunch in La La Land

In August we had our first in person brunch since December 2019 at Alondra Park in Lawndale, California to allow us to gather in an open space to gather instead of a crowded restaurant. With Los Angeles weather generally being considerably hot in August, we held our brunch in the South Bay area for it’s cooler temperatures, and Alondra Park has a many tables under shade trees and a small lake teeming with ducks and geese. Our theme was Fairy Brunch and everyone was to wear some sort of fairy wings. Officer Veronica decorated the table with shimmering flower arrangements with small fairies and faux gemstones placed along the floral centerpiece. Everyone brought their own food and drink and gathered around the table to eat and chat together, finally!
For the middle of August it was a beautiful and cool day, and our small group talked about our favorite fairy or fantasy films, characters, and books. Great conversations about what we’re looking forward to now that things are opening up (hello, comic conventions!), and which events each of us plans on attending in the next few months. There were five of us at this brunch, but only two, possibly three, of us were planning on attending the upcoming San Diego Comic-Con Special Edition. The badge sale for San Diego Comic-Con Special Edition was happening during our brunch so it was the main topic of our brunch.
Officers Toni and Veronica inquired with our brunchettes about having our next brunch in person at a restaurant in either November or December. A few of our brunchettes traveled far to get to Alondra Park so we also decided we would host the next brunch further north and east. With several comic conventions happening between mid-November and mid-December we considered November, but have since changed the next brunch for December.