GGB Los Angeles: So Bad They’re Good

We held a virtual brunch on the theme of movies, but not movies considered good by the general populace. For this month’s brunch, the Los Angeles brunchettes shared the bad movies that we absolutely love.
We began our brunch by introducing ourselves and sharing what is our favorite “bad” movie. Some of the movies shared were unknown to others so everyone was discovering a new movie to check out during this time of staying at home. “Mortal Kombat” and “My Chauffeur” were among those shared with the group.
We played a few games which we quite successful and a lot of fun. The first game we played was a guessing game where the quizmaster and Los Angeles Chapter Officer, Toni, provided clues to a movie and everyone else had to guess the bad movie she’s describing. The clues got progressively more obvious, but there were a few movies none of us could guess nor had heard of.
For the second game, Quizmaster Toni sent a private chat message to each brunchette containing a phrase or sentence which was a quote from a movie. A brunchette would be chosen by Toni to mute their microphone then say the quote while the rest of us tried to guess what she was saying. The phrases only had to be repeated once or twice before someone got the correct answer in most cases. This was a quick game and perfect for playing in a virtual setting.
We had a great time hearing stories from one of our brunchettes who would tell us a story about an actor who would be in a film one of us had mentioned. She had worked in the entertainment industry for many years and had some great stories.
We ended the brunch by announcing our next theme for our next brunch in April. Hint: It’s to celebrate the Godzilla vs. King Kong film coming out at the end of March. Raawwwrrr!