GGB Los Angeles – Cozy Fall Reading

The Los Angeles Chapter of Geek Girl Brunch held a virtual brunch on November 14, 2020 with a theme of “Cozy Fall Reading” to share our favorite books and what books we are currently reading. We have a few novelists amongst our brunchettes, and they have been gracious with donations of their books for swag bags and raffle prizes over the past few years.
We started the brunch by introducing ourselves and telling the others what book we are currently reading. With Los Angeles being in one form of lock-down or another since March 2020, many of us have been doing a lot of reading.
We played several rounds of a game which was a timed game where the brunchettes were given a subject/book title and the game was to write down as many names as they possibly could in thirty seconds. Those with the highest number of names/items won a prize to be mailed at a later date.
We also played a virtual game of Bingo which was fun, though we need to figure out a better way to do it. A week before the brunch we emailed a brunch reminder and attached a blank Bingo card and a list of words/phrases for our brunchettes to fill out prior to the brunch.
We chatted about our favorite books of all time, books we want to read, and our favorite authors for the rest of the virtual brunch. There was a quite a bit of discussion on our favorite places to obtain ebooks such as Scribd and the public library which was informative.
We reminded everyone about the “Elf Sock Exchange” we were having as our holiday event this year. We used Elfster to run the secret santa styled gift exchange, and it’s a great platform to host secret gift exchanges.

Before concluding the brunch we took a “group photo” posing with the books we are currently reading, and announced our next virtual brunch theme which is “So Good, They’re Bad” to celebrate the bad movies we absolutely love.