Partying in the Pandemic Geek Girl Style!!

We, the GGB Jackson Chapter, are hoping you all are staying safe in these crazy times and as it looks like we are stuck in these trying times, we are still trying to have some fun.
Since the pandemic, we have made sure to keep our members entertained during these troubling, so we decided to brunch out VIRTUALLY! And it has been nothing short of amazing. We started small with a Mulan movie night, we were hoping to watch the live action version, but hey, we had to make do. With the movie night, we had wine night and a great sing along time.
Another month, we hosted, are you ready for this??? A VIRTUAL KPOP DANCE PARTY! We had a full playlist and went live on Instagram and danced the night away. Honestly, this was first time hearing some of these songs, and let’s just say I have added all of these songs to my Apple Music Playlist! We celebrated Star Wars Day with some specialty drinks specifically catering to Star Wars. Also, we had a discussion panel on the Lore Olympus, a webtoon comic about the love story of Hades and Persephone, but in another perspective with a modern twist – trust me, it’s the best story out there!
This pandemic has been hard on all of us, but we weren’t going to let Ms. Carona steal our joy! Just this past weekend we celebrated OUR 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY ( LIGHTS FIREWORKS). We celebrated with a virtual Paint-N-Sip! We talked about our favorite members from this past year and painting to our hearts desire. We’ve been trying to keep busy and spread the joy this summer with zoom and positive vibes! Take a look at our summer photos and again we hope you all are staying safe!!! Talk to you guys soon!!