Geek Girl Jackson Bookclub Brunch!

In September, the Jackson, MS chapter hosted a Book Club Brunch at our local bakery, Broadstreet Bakery. The bakery happens to be in the same building as one of the few locally owned bookstores in the metro area, Lemuria. It was the perfect setting for our bookclub brunch! The table was filled with a variety of book types; from Stephen King, Rick Riorden, Tomi Adeyemi and J. K. Rowling!
As brunchettes began to arrive we were excited to see some familiar faces; our excitement quickly grew to elation when some new faces showed up as well! We love growing our chapter and providing geek girls in Jackson the opportunity to have a space to gather.
The ladies came prepped for brunch with their favorite books and t-shirts. Our very own officer and cosplayer, Rae, even came in full cosplay attire! IT WAS AWESOME! Broadstreet gave us our own nook in the corner of the building to enjoy omelettes, coffee, and some fine wine! As we spoke about our favorite books we discovered what genres we had in common and got some recommendations for new and interesting reads. To EVERYONE’S surprise, Kay, who is a die hard Harry Potter Fan, shared her favorite book is not any Harry Potter, but is actually The Magnus Chase Saga and Nors Gods by Rick Riorden. I think everyone’s mouth dropped at the revelation… not even kidding!!!
As brunch came to a close we exchanged books from old members to new members. Our officers are ecstatic about the impact this group is already having on the local geek girl community. We are overjoyed that we are able to provide a safe space for women who share similar interests to come and express themselves. MAJOR FEELS!!!!
Brunch Photos!

Look for us in October for our “Where My Witches At?” brunch!
Peace, love, Geek On!!