Board Games, Biscuits and Brews!

Board Games, Biscuits and Brews! Our most recent brunch landed us at Kitchen Table of Raleigh. The Kitchen Table is a board game themed restaurant specializing in upscale Southern Cuisine, Craft Cocktails/Beer and of course board games. With over 300 games and its unique selection of drinkable and edible delights, Kitchen Table is a popular destination for geeks, gamers and everyday North Carolinians. Upon arrival, an enthusiastic staff greeted us, including our very own gametender (i.e. a gaming aficionado well versed in board games instead of spirits).
About 19-20 brunchettes were in attendance. Hailing from various cities within the Triangle and beyond, familiar faces met one another with excitement and many new friendships were forged. Many brunchettes enjoyed fresh-squeezed pomegranate mimosas and sweet tea along with a distinctively Southern brunch experience. We played an assortment of games hand-selected for us by our gametender, such as Fake Artist, and Quiddler, throughout our brunch.
To be expected, we spent most of the brunch nerding out and getting to know each other. Additionally, we discussed a wide range of topics. The conversation vacillated from Halloween plans, geek parenting, D&D, cosplay ideas, the upcoming Bull City Comic Con, and future brunches.
Another fun activity this month was a Harry Potter themed yoga class at Barrel Culture Brewing & Blending in Durham, NC. Several brunchettes attended this great event, hosted by one of our community partners.
Coming Soon
On the horizon for GGB RDU are several themed brunches. A Halloween Brunch & Escape Room, Holiday Glass Etching Class, and an Alice in Wonderland Mad Tea Party are some of the most anticipated. The RDU chapter continues to grow. We have welcomed over 80 new brunchettes since our August reboot. We look forward to fun times in the coming months, continued growth and connecting with more geeks throughout the Triangle.