Welcome to Jurassic Park

Hold on to your butts because the ladies of GGB StL Metro celebrated ALL things Jurassic Park! It’s a fact that many of us GGB StL Metro brunchettes share an undying love of the movie franchise, the books, the games, and just dinosaurs in general. I mean, the way you could look at it is God creates dinosaur God destroys dinosaur, God creates man, man destroys God, man creates dinosaur. What’s not to love here?
On a gorgeous Sunday in March, we all gathered at El Gordito Mexican restaurant where we had some amazing drinks, some fantastic food, and all in great company. Some food favorites were the chimichangas, the enchiladas and the fajitas. Drinks were a whole other level with some amazing margaritas made fresh in house, house made micheladas, and a great selection of Mexican style beers.
This particular brunch was special in that it was also one of our “Do Better” events of the year. For this event, we chose to collect donations for the Belleville Area Humane Society who were in need of some office supplies and pet supplies. We were able to gather lots of cleaning products, hygiene products, toys, treats, leashes and collars, blankets, and a few dog bets to help with the day to day operations of running an animal shelter. It was a great turn out of geeky ladies with big hearts who helped make this do better a great success.

For swag, we were able to raffle of a couple of Threadless brand geeky shirts, some Shiro Cosmetics lip stains, some Bésema Cosmetics powders, 4 Jurassic Park themed enamel pens, and everyone got to take home a couple of Jurassic Park themed stickers. Along with all the swag we gave out, we also made sure to get our ladies hopped up on candy before sending them home to their families, because what else do you do when you have a whole bag of candy that you definitely should not eat by yourself?