Geek Girl Brunch Cleveland Goes to the Dogs!

This month Geek Girl Brunch Cleveland celebrated our love of dogs! Real dogs or fictional, we love our four-legged friends! We were fortunate enough to be visited by one of our member’s service dog Toothless for the day as well! This brunch was held at Happy Dog which is the coolest Hot Dog place in town!
We also had two special swag donations this brunch! Locally (just a few blocks from where we had brunch), Three Dog Bakery which specializes in treats and gifts for our furry friends donated a bag of goodies as well as their treat of the month card. They were even kind enough to provide a card for each one of our members to grab a free Pupcake to take home to their dogs after brunch! We also had a Prom themed goodie box from Bark Box with treats and toys! Winners of our trivia games got swag bundles of doggie calendars, jewelry, and some other cute items!
After everyone had their heavily doctored dogs we did some awesome BINGO trivia and some just for fun dog trivia.
We also took donations for multiple charities at this brunch! They included towels and blankets for dogs (7 bags were delivered to Stranci Tattoo after brunch!), food to assist the food banks as they struggle with the influx of need, books for local children’s hospitals, and hand knits for multiple charities for women and children.
The rest of the brunch was spent hanging out and then groups carpooling to the dog bakery to finish off their day!
Earlier this month on January 12th a number of our members made the trip south closer to Akron to meet up for crafting and teaching how to knit and crochet hats for our year-long charity effort to donate hats to preemie babies born locally. Six hats were started at finished at that meet up for Little Hats Big Hearts.
On the 22nd our members got together for our monthly movie night to see On the Basis of Sex. Information about February’s movie night can be found in our new Geek Girl Brunch Cleveland Meetups group which includes information on events like the January 24th meeting of some of the girls to enjoy pizza at a local Bake Off!
Book club met on January 27th this month, the theme was Fantasy! In keeping with the dog brunch theme, we read Hounded by Kevin Hearne, the first in the Iron Druid Chronicles series. The story centers around a centuries old druid named Atticus O’Sullivan and his Irish Wolfhound Oberon. In keeping with the food obsessions of the main character we headed to Hooley House (Irish pub) and had fish and chips to discuss the book! We also had a white elephant book exchange, bringing the following books: Caraval, Fallen, At the Water’s Edge, Black Beauty, Santa Paws and the New Puppy, and Beauty. Next month’s book club will be held on February 24th, and voting is going on now for what book we’ll be reading on the book club Facebook page!
Game night met on January 26th this month, the theme was word games. We had breakfast for our theme, eating delicious eggs and waffles, donuts and cinnamon rolls. Before playing games we had a white elephant game exchange, and in keeping with the theme one of us brought “The Dog Game!” We played Scattergories, Catchphrase and Balderdash. Next month’s game night will be trivia themed and held on February 23rd.
Keep your eyes open in February as we will be celebrating our 3rd-anniversary brunch on Sunday, February 17th. Also, a BINGO outing has been planned for February 9th and more info will be found in the Geek Girl Brunch Cleveland Meetups group.