Accio Mimosas

The Emerald Coast Chapter of Geek Girl Brunch held their December event at McGuire’s Irish Pub in Destin Florida. The theme was Harry Potter and it was an amazing gathering with a huge turn out! Accio mimosas!

The staff placed us in a private room lined in wood (and many, MANY bottles of wine!) with an old world European vibe that what we affectionately dubbed the Chamber of Secrets!
The brunch leaders created awesome vinyl Harry Potter stickers that expressed “I’d rather be at Hogwarts” and wands for all attendees.
In addition to the great food, drinks, and discussions, we had a wonderful ornament exchange dirty Santa style! There were tons of steals, cheers, and laughs. There were a lot of beautiful, hand-made Harry Potter ornaments and lots of other awesome geeky ornaments from all of our favorite fandoms. One of the most popular ornaments that maxed out on steals was a Bob Ross figure; I mean who wouldn’t want that afro cutie on your tree?!

We all spent lots of time talking about our favorite characters and books and discussed our houses and all things Potter. A lot of ladies came sporting gear from their houses and we agreed that most of us don’t belong strictly to one house but maybe a Slytherpuff, Huffelclaw or maybe Ravendor! The delicious food and the bottomless mimosas kept us all satisfied, as always! We were very happy to welcome several new brunchettes to our group. The merriment went on for hours, some ladies staying until the last mimosa was gone!
Until next time!