Stephen King Brunch at the Stanley Hotel – GGB Fort Collins

Stephen King Brunch – Stanley Hotel, Estes Park, CO
For our 17th brunch, we rejoiced in the macabre of beloved author Stephen King at the iconic Stanley Hotel – the setting of his horror epic, The Shining. The Cascades restaurant welcomed our group into their beautiful dining room, overlooking a lovely waterfall and various wildlife that came to graze on the well kept grounds… even though our group was dressed in blood drenched dresses, carried axes and toy crows. We got some attention.

Officers Manda and Sarah were lead planners on this brunch and set the table with favors as guests arrived. Each lady received a Lisa Frank Pennywise button, a tiny bucket of red bath bombs donated by Manda (scented like roses for our prom queen Carrie), a paper boat made by Liz, 2 for 1 movie passes to the Gorehounds Playground, a balloon charm, and marketing materials from our Geek Girl Boss, Manda of Flutterby Ceramics.

As soon as all of our ladies had arrived, we broke the ice by introducing ourselves and explaining what our favorite Stephen King work was and why. We especially loved this tradition at this brunch because we were able to greet several new faces after the introduction of our new lottery system to choose attendees.
We then played our first game, a “Scene It” style game with trivia cards about different Stephen King works that became progressively easier. The first girl to guess the title would win the card, and the girl with the most cards at the end won. Sam proved to be a Stephen King aficionado and won! She received a copy of the Shining (donated by Gorehounds Playground), a Pennywise sticker, a Pennywise bath bomb, and an IT button.

We got in our food order and proceeded with our next activity – a riddle game. The ladies were split into teams and given an envelope with riddle-style clues that described an item from a popular Stephen King work. The team would be given a minute per clue and the first team to guess the item would get to choose an item from our grab back. The team with Erica, Nichole and Katie guessed their item first and chose their grab bag items!
Our food arrived and discussion ensued! Favorite books, favorite movies, scariest movies we saw as kids, and so on.
As we wrapped up the dining portion of our brunch, we drew our raffle winner, Katie. She received the tv version of the Shining (donated by Gorehounds), a Jack Torrence POP (donated by Gorehounds), some Pennywise buttons and a Redrum necklace created by SuperNova Designs.

Before we concluded our brunch, we escorted our ladies to the front entrance of the Stanley for a photo shoot with officer Liz. We blew up red balloons donated by Manda and enjoyed our time together.
Some of our ladies stayed to enjoy a tour of the Stanley Tour after our photos and we hope everyone had a spooky good time!
We are very grateful to our brunch community and look forward to our future events. Thank you for making us so wonderful!
Officers Sarah, Jakki, Liz and Manda