GGB Youngstown – September Family Event

Geek Girl Brunch Youngstown Puts onĀ a Feast Fit for the Mother of Dragons – a Family Event!
For September we decided to continue a tradition we started our first year as an active chapter, and put on our summer family event, inviting our Brunchettes to bring with them their partners, children, family members, and friends to enjoy the last of the summer weather.
We were incredibly lucky and the weather decided to be on our side, a good thing as we had booked a pavilion in our local park to host the event, and it would have been a washout if the weather hadn’t been so kind. Instead we got to enjoy the warm, sunny weather, and the pavilion provided just enough shade so we didn’t bake.
There was an amazing turnout of 32 members, family, and friends, and we couldn’t have been happier to see so many people join us for the afternoon.
Three of our Officers were present, Sam, Heather, and Danamarie, and they did an amazing job of supplying all the food for our feast, as well as organizing the games, party favors, and our awesome photo prop~ Our very own Iron Throne!

We had a couple of games of trivia planned for the afternoon, the first of which was a ‘Name who Killed that Character’, to which George R.R. Martin was not unfortunately an acceptable answer. Our winner Sarah managed to figure out the killer of nearly all of the characters we picked out, clearly showing herself to be quite the avid GoT fan! She won herself a bottle opener shaped like the Hand of the King pin.
Next we got everyone to team up for a General Trivia game. All of the men-folk decided instantly they wanted to be team ‘Knight’s Watch’ taking the black and hiding themselves off in one corner. Meanwhile the ladies grouped themselves into teams Lannister, Stark, and Targaryen.
Despite really challenging them, the men came out with the most answers and team knight’s watch won the day~!
As another part of our family day we decided to include a bit of a GGBDoBetter theme, and put together a raffle basket of Game of Thrones goodies. The proceeds from the raffle basket are being donated to our local Mahoning County Second Harvest Food Bank. It was our way of sharing our feast with those less fortunate than ourselves, and we are very excited to announce that we raised $125.00 for the organization!

Thank you to everyone who attended, we couldn’t be here without you, and seeing so many people able to join us for our family day was wonderful! Thank you to all those who donated to the raffle, we’re excited to be able to hand that money on to the food bank.
Keep your eyes open for announcements about our spooky October brunch, we hope to see you there!