GGB San Antonio’s August 3rd Anniversary/Trilogies Brunch!

It was a bright and sunny day in the Lone Star State as our girls made their way to a familiar haunt; Magic Time Machine. This restaurant has a very unique flair – the inside is more akin to a maze than a dining establishment with dozens of rooms and nooks and alcoves, and the best part is that the servers are all part of the entertainment (more on that later). With this very special occasion upon us, we had to pick the perfect venue and Magic Time Machine was it.
What was the big occasion, you ask? The San Antonio chapter of Geek Girl Brunch hit an amazing milestone this month – we turned 3!
In honor of our third anniversary, what better way to celebrate than to celebrate our favorite trilogies?
Officer Amanda (who happened to be channeling one of my favorite TV teachers, Ms. Frizzle from Magic School Bus – wait… I’m sensing a connection here…) started us off while we waited for our drinks. We went around the room naming our favorite trilogies. Nothing was out of bounds! Games, movies, books and more were named in our little ice breaker activity. Some of the more popular ones were Lord of the Rings, Back to the Future, and Metal Gear.
True to form, our brunches get a little bit crowded, but the more the merrier! Here are some shots of our girls enjoying the cozy, intimate layout of this Wonderland-esque room.
Our server for the day was none other than Major Payne. He ran a tight ship and after getting all our ladies situated, hydrated, with their orders taken, we were free to partake of the salad car.
Yes, I said car. It was red and it was amazing.
By the time we had all taken a trip to the salad car, our drinks began arriving. Pictured are brunchettes with their drinks of choice: Rum Rider, Cherry Blossom Margarita, and Dr. Pepper. As a side note, don’t ask Major Payne for a refill on your soft drink. One of our brunchettes made that mistake and ended up with a pitcher of soda with about a hundred straws. Lesson learned.
We had a very creative turnout for our grab bags this event. There were Sailor Moon movie posters (which are a reference to some extra non-brunch events that we’ve been organizing), Chewbacca masks, a set of Star Wars stickers, a comic book themed bracelet, some “nightlock” from Hunger Games (blueberries), and Tab with a quote from Back to The Future III.
We had one adorable Batman Funko Pop vinyl figure up for raffle, and we’re happy to show that he’s going to a good home. Additionally, for this three year anniversary, officer Jess made a custom Geek Girl Barbie doll, complete with a mimosa!
This mini brunchette has everything that a Geek Girl could need, including her very own set of teeny dice, Kindle, and crafting supplies. She may just end up being our new mascot – time will tell.
As per tradition, before we part ways for yet another month, we take the time to grab a group picture – and in this case, we had to take one more:
Our Trilogy Brunch would not be complete without a picture of our very own Sara(h) Trilogy.
We hope you’ll come back and check out the antics we have planned for next “Brunch” – a 6 hour gaming event that you won’t want to miss!
- More pictures of this brunch can be found at the GGBSATX Facebook Album 36th Brunch – Trilogies