GGB San Antonio’s July Magical Creatures Brunch!

GGB San Antonio Celebrates Magical Creatures!
On the bright and sunny morning of July 15th, San Antonio GGB got together to celebrate a theme near and dear to our hearts (and several massive, myriad fandoms, real and imaginary, close to those very hearts) — Magical Creatures!
For this brunch, we returned to our roots, with fan-favorite Fujiya: Japanese Gardens Restaurant, home to a world of amazing mimosa’s, sushi, tatami seating, a garden enclosure, and so much more. Our girls arrived in the brunch-themed styled shirts, but not only that! This time we had girls with props and with stuffed versions of some of their favorite magical creatures:
The girls were invited back to our enclosed area of the restaurant at 12:30 on the dot, to find all their places already set, with coloring sheets, and grab bags (filled by all the members — a San Antonio favorite past time of our girls to take part in)!
Once our meals had been ordered, we settled down into a welcome round, where all our girls introduced themselves and answered the question of ‘what their favorite Magical Creature was’ (which turned into a rousing, hilarity of a parrot of “Hello, my name is____” “Hello/Hi, ______! <3 <3<3” that had a lot of the restaurant looking over at our room). We had amazing answers from fandoms and history alike, causing so many girls to squeal and sigh in agreement each time.
During our brunch, throughout, we called winners for our raffle drawn randomly every twenty minutes. Once a name was drawn, our girls got to free-pick their heart’s desire off of the Magical Creatures Raffle Table.

Our Raffle Winners & Their Prizes:
But, wait, that’s not all of the end of Magical Creatures Raffle.
This brunch we decided to hold off our two best raffle donations/creations for the winners of — DUN DUN DUN — Magical Creatures Trivia, run by New Extra Events Officer, Mel! She teased our brains with some of the most interesting and challenging questions around, and while the median average was around 4-5 correct answers, one of our girls got 9 right! (We were all blown away!)
Our 1st & 2nd place winners, and their prizes:
After the raffle was completed, we all gathered together for the big group picture in the garden area, and then said our goodbyes to each other (until next month’s 3rd Anniversary Brunch: Trilogies).
- More pictures can be found at GGB San Antonio’s July – Magical Creatures Album on Facebook