Geek Girl Brunch Cleveland Ice Cream and Candy Recap

This month Geek Girl Brunch Cleveland tried something we’ve never done before! We celebrated Willy Wonka with an Ice Cream and Candy brunch. This brunch was held at the B.A. Sweetie Candy Company. They are so much more than just candy, and delighted us with a delicious Ice Cream Sundae Bar and Candy treats for all! Not only that, we all got to enjoy one of Sweeties Signature Sodas with our meals, that came with color changing bowls and spoons for the girls to take home.
We started off by having girls draw random tickets to determine seating, and in the mix there was one special golden ticket snagged up by member Crystal T. who will get to RSVP to any brunch of her choice before the invitations go out!
The rest of brunch was spent collecting bags of candy, and making the most over the top sundaes possible. You may notice very few photos of the ice cream, as it didn’t last long enough for people to get out their cameras!
We also had a really fun photo booth for the girls to use for photos!
But the biggest hit was the full sized table covers that we were encouraged to cover with our artwork. And check out more photos from the event including more artwork at the link here!
This month also saw us do a variety of outside activities! A few girls got together to experience the royal wedding, a huge group went to Yuri’s Night a celebration of humanity’s accomplishments in space, and two officers headed off to a demo from the local Society for Creative Anachronism! We also had a Do Better this month where the girls donated books and some went to sort books for the Cleveland Kid’s Book Bank. Our year long Do Better to make and donate knitted knockers, and baby hats is still ongoing! You can learn more about these in our monthly newsletter.
Another big highlight from this month was our monthly Game Night which was held on Cinco de Mayo, and included lots of delicious Mexican themed foods brought by the girls in attendance. Another special addition to the evening was being joined by Frank Tedeschi from Dead Box Games who shared a demo of his game Alestone! The game was beautiful and we split into groups of 2 or 4 to play. He described it as similar to chinese checkers and the strategy was really creative! He then joined us for some other games including a twist on charades.
And finally a Congrats to the girls who participated in the Geeks Who Drink Harry Potter Pub Quiz this month! The 4 of them came in 4th place out of 18 teams! The team was sorted into Ravenclaw and their house won the house cup! Team ‘Neville Wears Prada’ also won best team name!
Coming up in June:
- June 2nd is Game Night! Make sure you join the facebook group for Game Night linked to our facebook group to get info! This month’s theme is Retro Games.
- June 15th at midnight is the deadline for ordering shirts! Once you order, an invoice will be sent to you for payment. Any unpaid invoices on June 16th will not be ordered!
- June 16th at 2PM will be our Knit/Crochet Workshop! For more info on this please check out or crafting group on Facebook. No experience necessary! We want to spread the joy of crafting.
- June 23rd is a double hitter! At 1PM we’re having our Anime Brunch! Immediately following, will be the Unofficial Movie Outing. This month we’re going to see Jurassic World. If you want to come to one or the other that is absolutely fine, or if you want to come do both with us the more the merrier!
- June 24th will be the next Book Club meeting! This month we are reading Fahrenheit 451.
We look forward to seeing you at an event soon!
GGBC Guide to Cleveland and Beyond