GGB Cleveland – Haunted Halloween Brunch

This month’s brunch was originally supposed to be a Murder Mystery, but time constraints had us re-think the theme. We may do a Murder Mystery in the future, but for now, we decided on changing it to a Haunted Halloween brunch
. It was held at Burntwood Tavern in Brecksville, OH.
We wanted a location that was haunted, and Officer Katrina said that this was a “real” haunted place. The owner, who died in a plane crash, comes to meet new employees at his place. The manager that was there, confirmed he had an encounter with the ghost when he was hired there in June. The ghost kept calling his name, when he was at the bar.

We hadn’t done an ice breaker in a while, so we had everyone introduce themselves and say what they liked about Halloween. While we were going around doing introductions, the girls were given Disney Princesses to Horrify. The top 3 winners were chosen by our officers, and given their choice of a poster from a local artist.
Once the introductions and the swag winners were announced for the coloring contest, we had a scavenger hunt. There were 10 questions total. Some of the questions included were: what is your favorite horror book, find someone who has the same favorite Halloween candy as you, and we also incorporated who you thought had the best costume into the scavenger hunt. In the even there was a tie, we added the question: did you know this place was haunted? The hardest question to fill out was finding someone who’s already carved their pumpkin this year and what they carved. The first 3 people to turn in their sheet won swag.
We had a number of girls show up in costume for the brunch. After the voting was tallied, we had five winners, and they, too, got swag.

The rest of the swag was raffled off to our attendees.

Other October doings:
- Our Book Club met on October 25th to discuss “Bird Box”, by Josh Malerman
- Our Unofficial Movie Outing event was October 30th, when a few of our members went to see the Ghibli movie “Spirited Away”.
- Officer Sabah’s Do Better Event (Donations for Hurricane Victims) through Global Giving ended this month. Anyone who donated money would be given a ticket that they could use for a ‘pass’ to get in to a future brunch of their choice in 2018.
For more pictures from our brunch, click on this link:Â October 2017 – Horror Brunch
Thank you to the following for providing swag at our brunch: Officer Katrina, Member Stephanie B. who gave everyone a cute little bag of goodies, #MiniworldEntertainment, #ArtandHorrorofLysaZenShin, and #VileConsumption. And, Officer Alana for the cute photo booth she put together for the brunch.

Coming up in November…our brunch theme will be Blind Date with Book, Bowling, and Brunch. Our Book Club will be reading “Homegoing” by Yaa Gysai. And, the Unofficial Movie Outing movie will be determined by a poll that is going out November 1st.