GGB Cleveland – Books, Brunch, and Bowling

This month, we had one of our favorite themed brunches – Blind Date with a Book. It was held at Yorktown Lanes, a bowling alley in Parma Heights, OH. It was also our last official brunch for the year. The menu was pretty simple. It had a combination of breakfast items, burgers, nachos, and pizza.

Every Brunchette was asked to bring a book with them. And, Officer Amanda, created bookmarks to give everyone, with the logo from our tee shirt contest, that was held earlier this year. The books were used for swag for our attendees.

Every Brunchette received a raffle ticket. And, once everyone placed their orders, we proceeded to call numbers, so the girls could come up and pick a book. Thing got really interesting when a book was stolen. We had at least 2 books go ‘dead’ after it got stolen three times.
Once we went through all the raffle tickets (and steals), everyone proudly displayed their books they received.

Afterwards, some of the girls took to bowling. The person that had the highest score would win a free Geek Girl Brunch Cleveland tee shirt.

Our winner for the shirt was Natalya M. who bowled the highest score. She won this free shirt we had created, with the help World of Strange.

For more pictures from our brunch, click here:
For a list of the books that were given at the brunch, click here:
After the brunch, our Officers worked on themes for 2018. We tried to choose ones we haven’t had yet. And, brain-stormed ideas of where to have them. We rolled out the themes to our members after brunch, and so far, they seem to be pretty excited for what we have planned, theme wise.
For unofficial events in November, the Movie Outing is going to see Justice League. And, the Book Club read “Homecoming” by Yaya Gyasi.
Next month is December, and we really don’t plan an official brunch. But, several of our members have asked when we can go back to Emperor’s Palace again. So, that is what we have planned in the middle of the month. We will still have an Unofficial Movie Outing, because there are just so many movies coming out in December. And, the movie we will see will be determined by a poll. Our Book Club will be taking a hiatus, but will be picking up again in January with “The Fifth Season” by NK Jemisin.

We’ll see you next year!