GGB Fort Collins – WE ARE GROOT – Marvel Brunch!

Are your Spidey Senses tingling? Are you a genius millionaire playgirl philanthropist? ARE YOU GROOT?

For GGB Fort Collins’ 11th brunch, we chose a very long-overdue theme: Marvel Comics! We returned to the Blue Agave, the location of our DC Comics brunch. It seemed appropriate to keep things equal among the fandoms – and we wanted more prosciutto eggs Benedict! This was also a special occasion because we welcomed our brand new 3rd officer, Allison! She did amazing work helping organize this brunch and we love having her on the team!
With even more new ladies at this brunch, we broke the ice by sharing our favorite Marvel movie and favorite Marvel character. Several ladies also dressed up, or “Marvel-bounded”, for the event.

For our favors, the ladies received a 5×7 of Jessica Jones (donated by Fanmail Subscription Box), a “Rogue” hair clip extension, a Captain America iron-on patch, a Marvel Sticker and a Thor hammer charm. Several ladies chose to adorn their hair with the Rogue hair clip for the duration of the brunch.

For our first activity, we gave the ladies a “fill-in-the-blank” comic strip with Wolverine and Professor X and asked the girls to fill in the speech bubbles. The most entertaining response would win a prize! And we thoroughly enjoyed Allison’s animated readings of each comic strip. The winner was Holly! She went home with an X-men Apocalypse t-shirt and an X-men key-chain.
For our second activity, each brunchette wrote down a superpower she would ideally like to have and a superpower she has in real life, i.e. “never hits a red light”. The powers were read aloud and the ladies voted on their favorite. The winner of the 2nd game was Elizabeth. She went home with comic book nail art, a Deadpool figurine, and a Daredevil notebook.
Our raffle prize was a hand sculpted Baby Groot figurine from Supernova Designs on Etsy. Â Holly won the raffle and she loved her little Groot!

Thanks to all our ladies for helping us celebrate our 11th brunch and we hope our new members will join us again in the future. And another thank you to Fanmail Subscription Box for donating some favors and prize items for our ladies!
Allison, Jakki and Sarah