GGB Nottingham Harry Potter 20 Brunch

Our Nottingham Brunchettes gathered to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the publication of the first Harry Potter book. How can it possibly be 20 years? Who would have thought that one book could spark one of the greatest stories of all time, so many amazing movies, and even it’s very own Theme Park?
Our Brunchettes met at Annie’s Burger Shack & were sat in a booth next to the open kitchen – yum! Annie’s offers all of it’s burgers  & hot dogs with a vegetarian and vegan version, so it’s ideal for our group of mixed diets.
When the invitations were sent out, all Brunchettes were asked which Hogwarts house they belonged to. Â One of our favourite Etsy shops, Sweet Allure, gave us a discount code for these beautiful prints. Each attendee was given their House crest (or a Deathly Hallows, if they weren’t sure which House they were in).

We all ordered our food and, after we’d eaten, it was time for the Harry Potter Quiz!
On to the quiz! There wasn’t a prize for winning, but everyone got a prize for taking part, which was an amazing pair of Hogwarts House socks!
It was a 20 question, multiple choice quiz, and some of them were really tricky so there was definitely some guessing going on!

It had been a while since the last Brunch, so a fair amount of time was spent on catching up. Some Brunchettes shared their experience of tabling at various cons, which was really interesting. Talk also turned to what shows people had been watching. The new series of Stranger Things was a high point that everyone is looking forward to. Some Brunchettes had been watching Castlevania on Netflix, whilst another recommended GLOW (about women’s wrestling in the 80s).
We had a fab time, with delicious food and great company, and we can’t wait to do it again.

If you’re in the Nottingham area, why not sign up to receive invitations to all of our Brunches? Our next Brunch is coming up soon, we’d love to see you there.