GGB Lubbock: Wonderful Women’s Book Swap

Our brunchettes love books and swaps. We did a book swap last year and it was so fun to pick out a book and write a summary and have someone else pick it just by what you wrote. So this year we decided to do another one!
Wonder Woman has been such a big hit with all our brunchettes that we wanted to make this book swap a bit special. We decided to center it on female leading ladies or creators! Everyone brought a book or comic or graphic novel and wrapped them up or bagged them and then wrote a brief summary. We had special swag that was donated by a new sponsor, FanMail! They are a monthly geeky subscription box that  works hard to curate boxes that geek girls will love and include a variety of items in our boxes, including t-shirts, jewelry, accessories, fan-created products, and other awesome items from the geeky side of pop culture.
They also support at least one small business run by women in every box!They were super amazing and sent us art cards featuring Mulan, an amazing tote bag, and nail wraps to raffle off and also provided us with our own discount code GGBLUBBOCK to get $2 off your first box! So be sure to check them out!Â
Our Officers also brought some Wonder Woman themed goodies too like figures, coloring books, jelly beans, and lip balms for all the girls to pick as they choose their books!Â
This time we had the brunch at the Egg & I, a place that was new to most of us. They had the absolute BEST cream cheese stuffed French Toast and a whole brunch menu for the ladies to choose from! We would absolutely go there again for another brunch!
After we were done eating and chatting for a good while, we picked names and girls got to go and pick a book that sounded interesting to them. We had a Wonder Woman tiara for them to wear as they picked as well. Officer Alex was nice enough to read out all the descriptions for everyone in her best theater voice. Some girls instantly knew what certain books were and picked something new and we all excitedly talked about our choices afterwards. A lot of us are avid readers and we couldn’t wait to share opinions.

Overall, the brunch was a blast and we stayed for a long time just talking with one another and our books. The brunches for a lot of us are chances to hang out for a few hours and catch up with friends and enjoy our time being geek girls. So many friendships have been made and it’s wonderful when we get new girls and see them continuously come back.
We’re so excited for our next brunch and cannot wait to get together again!