Star Wars Brunch: A Tribute to Carrie – GGB Fort Collins

“If my life wasn’t funny, it would just be true. And that is unacceptable.”
– Carrie Fisher
For our very first Star Wars Brunch, we honored Carrie Fisher. Forever in our hearts and minds as not only the fearless Princess Leia, but the brave crusader who fought to normalize the discussion about mental health and continually pointed out the ludicrous nature of Hollywood’s beauty expectations. i.e. “Your parents mated well. Congratulations.”
We chose to have our brunch at Rodizio Grill – a Brazilian grill and a very deluxe way to honor our departed princess and the franchise that’s changed the world forever. Cosplay was encouraged and we were not disappointed. Leia and Padme hair was abundant, as well as fabulous Rey and Jynn Urso cosplays.
For our ice breaker, each lady introduced herself and named her favorite Star Wars character. So much bonding always comes from the ice breakers and we love it!
Following our ice breaker, and in between our gauchos providing us delicious slabs of meat, we had a game of trivia. The trivia was half about Carrie Fisher and half “the Women of Star Wars”. The Carrie questions were meant to be mostly entertaining, and provided a glimpse at Carrie’s notoriously outrageous sense of humor. The Women of Star Wars questions were not -too- challenging, and everyone was a trooper! Our winners with a tie, Brianna and Nichole, took home two Star Wars themed bows.
We followed up our trivia with a game that Sarah entitled “Old Sith Lord Douchebag”. Based on “Old Maid”, each lady was handed a card from a stack featuring the ladies of Star Wars and one Sith Douchebag. Whoever drew the Sith was out, and the next round began. The last lady standing was Jessica, who won a collection of Star Wars merch!
Finally, we drew our raffle prize, a replica of Princess Leia’s award ceremony necklace from Episode IV made by Supernova Designs. Jessica! She had to fight her way out of the restaurant to keep that glorious necklace. 😉
We finished up our brunch with some group photos, a Wookie call from our server, and an announcement: we assigned two of our ladies, Brianna and Dakota, the job of organizing our next brunch. With large personal events on the immediate horizon for both of us, it seemed like a perfect time for those ladies that had expressed interest in helping more with brunches to do exactly that. This provided a large relief for us in the interim.
Thanks again to all our fabulous brunchettes who make our lives so full. We are grateful for your friendships!
See you next time,
Sarah and Jakki