1 Year Anniversary – “Underappreciated Fandoms” Brunch – GGB Fort Collins

Can you believe it’s been a year?
One year of our ‘little brunch that could’. We celebrated with our 8th brunch: “Share the Love – Underappreciated Fandoms!” We know everyone has that one fandom that no one else seems to appreciate. This was the brunch to show it off, tell us all about it, and maybe even recruit a few new members to the fandom in the process.
We chose the Moot House for our anniversary brunch and it could not have been a better choice. We had a private room within the restaurant, which is preferred since we do very loud activities often. Our server was EXTREMELY on point. She was attentive and quick, and she easily split the checks at the end of the meal. I’m also pretty sure everyone cleaned her plate – good food was an added bonus.
For our favors, we decorated Chapstick tubes with geeky stickers, included a variety of candy from a local candy shop, and tied a heart charm to the bags to represent our well-loved fandoms. Several of our ladies collect the charms and turn them into bracelets or adorn their keychains.
Our first activity was a mash-up of the Ellen Game and Taboo. We wrote the names of some under appreciated characters (i.e. Xena, Blue the Raptor, etc) on note cards and randomly distributed them to each brunchette. Then, each lady had to guess which character she was without the other girls saying the added “taboo” words written on each character card. The girl that guessed in the shortest amount of time won a prize.  The winner was Yvonne with Scooby-Doo!
After we ate our delicious food, we determined our raffle winner by handing out cards from Magic:  the Gathering. The Geek Girl who drew the foil card won. It was Allison!
We had some fabulous cosplay at this brunch including Firefly, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Dr Horrible’s Sing-a-long Blog, and She-Ra: Princess of Power. We always encourage cosplay and we love when the ladies are so creative!
At the end of brunch, our sneaky and fabulous brunchette members presented us with an anniversary card that all the ladies had signed, thanking us for our efforts with Geek Girl Brunch Fort Collins! We are very honored to be so appreciated. We can’t wait for another year of brunches!