GGB San Antonio: End of Summer 2016 Recap

GGB San Antonio: End of Summer 2016 Recap

Summer was a busy time for GGBSATX!

August: Sailor Scouts Can Do It All!

With summer still in full bloom, GGB San Antonio met in August to celebrate their love for all things Sailor Moon from the original Manga (both Sailor Venus and Sailor Moon) to Saturday Morning Cartoons, from Live Action to newly released Season 1 & 2 Sailor Moon: Crystal!

August brunch was, once again, at Fujiya’s, home of lovely Japanese food and tatami (“floor”) seating, all of which we enjoyed back in our original second-month visit for Studio Ghiblis. Like the first, our girls showed up sporting their favorite t-shirts, hair pieces, and accessories to show off their love for this Girl Powered Wonder Fandom:

Our event signature coloring sheets were on the table when they arrived. One side depicting our main heroine — Serena/Usagi aka Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon! — and the other the main Inner Planet Senshi — Ami (aka Sailor Mercury), Rei (Sailor Mars), Makoto (Sailor Jupiter), and Minako (Sailor Venus).  amazing grab bags, waiting for all the girls as they arrived, shucking their shoes at the door and folding into our lovely seats for amazing drinks and food our characters boast an endless hunger and passion for.

There were amazing grab bags, waiting for all the girls as they arrived, shucking their shoes at the door and folding into our lovely seats for amazing drinks and food our characters boast an endless hunger and passion for.

Grab bag swag for all our sailor scouts! As well as tiara’s or sailor suits to pick from!

The day was filled with amazing times and conversations, across all of the areas our girls covered. Who our favorite characters were and why we felt drawn specifically to those girls (or Tuxedo Mask, who deserves his own rose-covered shoutout!).

There was a lot of laughter and passionate discussion, sharing of our favorite scenes, moments, how Sailor Moon and her friends had touched our lives.

We ended the day with our customary raffle, which while smaller than normal was just as loved. Our two raffle winners of the day, with their prizes:

September 2016: SuperWhoLock is on The Case!

September came in with showers, but GGB San Antonio still showed up just on time for the SuperWhoLock Super Mashup Brunch at Mama’s Cafe! Ready to solve the crime, in the nick of time, no matter what demons or monsters or aliens we might have to face to get there!

The shows of focus were Doctor Who (that recently celebrated being over 50 years old), Supernatural (now in its 12th season), and BBC Sherlock (only 13 episodes in across 7 years, but already a landslide fangirl favorite).

As it was our first superfandom mashup brunch, we were amazed to see that all our tickets for the brunch were gone in the first twenty-four hours after release!  The morning of girls were early and several of our girls showed up beaming in their favorite pieces of clothing, jewelry, and accessories from their show (or multiples for some of them)!




Our raffle table for this event was one of the best we’d seen in the fall, with bits and pieces from everywhere and everything under the sun that could touch our Supernatural, Doctor Who, and Sherlock hearts.

The SuperWhoLock Swag-A-Ganza!

Our winners of these lovely, lovely SuperWhoLock prizes:


The day of SuperWhoLock Brunch, GGB San Antonio, also, advertised for an Extra Special Event after Brunch, famed as Drinks & Pie with Dean! Where we all trecked to Marie Calendar’s and ooh’d and ahh’d over the extensive pie list on the wall the moment you walked in. More than 40 types of pie. Dean Winchester would have been in heaven! Drinks and Pie in Dean Winchester’s Honor!

Doing exactly what we set out to do — drink deep and enjoy our pie in Dean Winchester’s Honor! — every girl ordered her own pie from the list (making sure to pick flavors and types different from everyone else), and what happened next was a veritable smorgasbord of every girl sharing her pie pieces around, making it so every got a taste of everything.

Several geek girls even ended up taking home pie plates and pie boxes with 5 and 6 different slices to eat at a later time.  It was the best of times and we were sad Dean couldn’t be there with us, indeed, by the end!



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