Time Travelers Picnic: GGB Orlando

Hi there Time Travelers!
It’s Officer Paige from the sunshine state! I’m here and ready to fill you in on our recent adventures with another recap. Warning: If you’re sitting inside shivering and wistfully wishing for summer, you might find yourself just a tiny bit jealous. While most chapters have been looking for warm, cozy spots to get out of the cold this winter, Here at GGB Orlando we found ourselves dressed sundresses, skirts and tank tops hiding from the sunlight under shady trees and parasols for a “Time Travelers Picnic”
Jealously sinking in? At least your state doesn’t have lovebugs. *bleh*
Fun Fact. Time Travel makes you super hungry. We brunchettes banded together with a feast of bagels, pastries, onigiri, fruit, and of course coffee! The afternoon passed us by quickly with chatter of fandoms, cosplay, D&D and possible plans for future events. That may or may not have including a cheesy local boat tour. (I’m pulling for a pirates and mermaids theme for that one!)
Athena snapping photos of Jessica and Aurora hiding from the sun.
My favorite kind of bubbles. That don’t come in a champagne glass that is. 😉
Smiles and Sunshine! Photo caption or name of the new girl group Karen and Jenn are starting? You decide!
This was our first of many gatherings in 2017. I look forward to more laughter, smiles, and generally geeking out with this incredible group of ladies. Ladies of GGB Orlando, we are lucky to have you! Thank you for making this community wonderful and always welcoming new members with open arms. Which leads me to my final point. Weary time travelers! Want to join us for our next adventure? Click the “Join” button up on the navigation bar, set “Orlando” as your home city, and you’ll start receiving event invites and updates from us. We’d love to have you come geek out with us, and are planning lots of fun events this year!
Hope to see you soon!