GGB Miami: Rogue One Movie Viewing

We here at GGB Miami have warmed up to our December brunch tradition: a Star Wars movie viewing. We really wish this could just be a permanent staple of our culture because really, is there anything else better than a Star Wars Christmas? We think not.
With Rogue One’s release in December, we were ready to celebrate! This year, we were able to secure a dine-in theater that served brunch – which was perfect! The theater even had themed drinks for the release, such as The Death Star {delicious, in case you were wondering}. Before sitting down to enjoy the film, we had a quick Secret Santa exchange for those brunchettes whose match was in attendance. Since the theater was decorated for the holidays, we felt like we were in someone’s living room opening gifts, which was so nice and comforting.
In regards to the film itself, we laughed, we cried and basically felt every emotion in between. Usually I get a little self conscious when I’m ugly crying at a theater, but for once in my life, I knew I was in good company. We were a symphony of sniffles, and when the lights came back on, we basically had to have a group therapy session.
Being the last brunch of 2016, we got a little sentimental and spent some time sharing with each other how important starting this chapter was. A lot of us felt like we would never find people, let alone other women, who shared our interests and were smart, brave and inspiring. Little did we know we would be surrounded by over 200 of them by either starting or joining Geek Girl Brunch Miami. It’s been an absolutely fantastic year as a chapter, and we hope that 2017 can only bring us bigger + brighter things!
Love, light + fandom from the Magic City!