GGB Memphis- Rogue One Brunch

Rogue One Brunch – Geek Girl Brunch Memphis
The Memphis Brunchettes gathered at the Second Line on Saturday December 17th for pre-show brunch before heading out to see Rogue One. There was much laughter and friendly competition as we played a round of Star Wars Trivia. There were even prizes involved for the top three scorers including fuzzy socks, a Darth Vader water bottle and the grand prize, a set of Death Star measuring cups! It quickly became obvious who the true fans among us really were! Kristen (3rd place), Cara (2nd place), and Jessica S. (Our Winner!) really know their stuff.
After the trivia contest the swag bags came out…coloring books and crayons (Because who doesn’t love to color, right geek girls?) along with a pocket journal and really terrific key chain. There was also chocolate…because what’s a girl’s day out without chocolate? Rounding out the offerings was the adventure of the Death Star Swag which I am sure will go down in Memphis Geek Girl lore forever more.
It started out as a batch of the bath bombs but clearly we did something terribly wrong because there was no way this stuff was ever going to hold together much less cooperate with being put into our wonderful Death Star Ice Mold. Being the resourceful girls that we are we decided that the bath…stuff…would be delivered in theme appropriate Ziploc bags instead and that turned out ok. Still determined to have something with our Death Star theme we then tried molding chocolate…which promptly shattered when we tried to unmold it. At this point it had become comical and having run out of time I was forced to admit defeat. Apparently when something is advertised as an ice mold it really MEANS it’s only task is to be an ice mold. We have heard from Carol that the bath…stuff…is really great though so it wasn’t a total loss.
After brunch the group split between those who were headed out to see Rogue One and those who had other obligations. I have heard mixed reviews from the Rogue One crew so I am looking forward to getting a chance to see it and form my own opinion.
We haven’t settled on January’s theme yet…there was some talk of Supernatural Trivia at the Arcade downtown…so stay tuned for that. Meanwhile, Memphis out.