GGB DFW Videogame Brunch

DFW area brunchettes were thrilled to experience Free Play in Richardson this month for the first time, for our videogame-themed brunch. This venue not only has food and drinks but also has a whole room full of arcade games all set to free play mode! It was a perfect location to eat, chat, and play games. Gamer girls unite!

The cosplay was excellent, as always! There were several ladies with Pokemon-themed outfits, a casual Luigi, Princess Peach and Daisy, Link, and a Bioshock Splicer. We also had delicious Pacman cookies made by our very own GGB Officer Providence.
In addition, we had some incredible raffle items this month. For example, there was an original piece of Halo art by Providence, as well as some sets of game-themed jewelry, key rings, ID badges, and pins from Geek Badges, Giuliart, Hylian Crafts, Geeky Gal Vintage, Melon Berry Studio, Lon Lon Lady, and Sacari Art. In addition, the grand prize raffle item this month was an incredible Fallout backpack full of Fallout loot, which was donated by our Brunchette of the Month, Stephanie!

Most importantly, we played games! There were old favorites and new delights to discover. Some popular games included the Addams Family pinball machine, Breakout, Marvel vs. Capcom, the Simpsons game, and Joust, an old favorite to some, but a new treasure known only to some brunchettes from the excellent novel Ready Player One.

Our next meeting will be one of our twice-annual co-ed events: Hitchhiker’s Guide to 2017! We’ll be meeting on Saturday, December 10, 7-11pm at Zeus Comics and Collectibles in Dallas. We’ll have dancing, raffles, and food (catered by the Restaurant at the End of the Universe!). Anything related to space is fair game for this last DFW GGB event of the year. Come hang out with your fellow brunchettes (and the men who ♥ us), and don’t forget to bring your towel!