GGB Colorado Springs: Fall Brunch Recaps

Geek Girls of Colorado Springs have been kicking back and keeping it real since our last posting. We’re a small bunch (60 members) – but we’re confident we’ve got some of the biggest geek girl hearts out there!
In May, we had a family GGB event at a local park where we did a potluck brunch. There was a lot of activity in the park with Frisbees, general camaraderie, and overall fun. Some brunchettes even brought their fur babies, which made it a blast (everybody wanted a Thorgie after that).
In July, we gathered at the Egg & I to enjoy brunch together. There were some new faces and some old faces and some old/new faces for those who hadn’t been to a brunch in awhile. It was a lot of fun!
In August, we tried to get together to do a charity event for the Painted Turtle. However, the patterns from the website were less than specific so we were unable to complete a pattern even after contacting the organization. We’re hoping to do another charity event later this year or next year that’s better planned.
In September, we gathered at a new location for brunch and met more new faces. At this brunch, the officers and the girls all decided we’d try to do meet ups during a consistent time frame every month so that more girls could participate.
We’re hoping that the turnout will continue being good! In November, we’re doing a family GGB event for the Star Wars costume at the Denver Art Museum and in December, we’re doing our annual Secret Santa exchange. All the girls who’ve wanted to participate already have their drawn names, which hopefully means more time and fun for girls to craft something for the person! We’re also hoping to get a fan table set up at Galaxy Fest this coming spring!