GGB Boston Celebrates 50 Years of Star Trek

Have you ever tried to plan a brunch at warp speed? Well, there isn’t quite any experience like it! Last month, Geek Girl Brunch Boston met to celebrate 50 years of Star Trek — from Kirk to Kahn and beyond.
Getting together with a larger crew prompted to try out Tavern in the Square’s Central Square location and their extensive brunch buffet. Showing up a few hours before the Patriots started their kick off prompted some mild confusion, but luckily it was squared away quickly for proper brunch festivities.
Since the brunch theme was the ever-iconic Star Trek, we took a cue from the GGB Salt Lake City Chapter and had communicator pins for all! Donning a designation for either arts and sciences, ship crew member or engineering wasn’t the only available favor. Ladies were also able to add their own spin on the classic “Dammit, Jim!” adage turned internet meme via appropriate name tags.
While no tribbles were present, the brunch included several new chapter members and a chance to learn how much everyone knew (or didn’t) about the classic sci-fi series. There was even mumbling of Star Wars during the gathering…
Officers Heather and Jess got crafty for some of the give aways — which included some aptly themed coffee mugs, a Wesley Crusher pint glass and a commemorative edition of Time Magazine to celebrate the series.
To add a little bit more fun to the event, each brunchette got to see into the future. Receiving an envelope, each contained the fate of a redshirt. Varying deaths included exposure to plasma, aging in a hyperdrive and floating off into space.
While those deaths might have been fictional, the end of the brunch was not. After all the plates were cleared and swag distributed, discussion turned to our next theme — Gilmore Girls or Fantastic Beasts? Our Boston chapter will just have to stay tuned as they set their phasers to awesome.