GGB San Antonio’s April Literary Loves Brunch!

GGB San Antonio’s April Literary Loves Brunch!

Our April event had a rocky beginning by threatening to almost get washed out by some playful April Showers, but our amazing hosts at The Cove whisked our whole setup quickly to a covered venue where all our ladies and especially their books could be safe, because that’s right — this was the brunch to end all brunches for our ladies about books and with books!

Literary Loves

The first thing every brunchette knew was that in coming to the brunch, they had to bring a book-to-swap, wrapped in simple brown paper so nothing would make them stand apart. It was magically watching ‘the wall’ behind our table fill with books and books and more books as more of our lovely literally ladies showed up.

Literary Loves

Brunch was a decadent affair at the Cove, with amazing food from the restaurant, and drinks, from their standing bar, flush with several things made by them, as well. It was boisterous fun as people talked about books, pointed out shirts, and jewelry dedicated to literature. Everyone colored their “star bookworm” coloring sheets, was utterly awed by the goodies brought by our attendees, and caught up on everything since they’d last seen each other.

Literary Loves
Games led by Holli!
Literary Loves
Books from Amanda!






Once brunch was over first we played literary guessing games (lead by Officer Holli, who had everyone jumping and guessing and guessed out!), and then we came to the picking of our mystery books (along with a free extra book, given to everyone present by another of our Officer’s, Amanda).

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It was an amazingly fun time. Rooting for what brown packaged books to pick, having those who brought them explain why they had brought that book on the day, and then getting to pose with both of our/their new books to take home from the brunch.  After this, we had two raffles for book gift cards as well.

13091930_617773581703601_4460400814076183893_n (1) Two gift cards to Half Price Books!

At the close of the day, we finished our newest brunch, like we always do with a great, cheerful group shot:


More pictures can be found in the Literary Loves Photo Album!

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