GGB Cincinnati Launch – Favorite Fandom

GGB Cincinnati Launch – Favorite Fandom

For the first GGB Cincinnati brunch, we gathered at Joseph Beth Booksellers. The store features a full-service restaurant, Brontë Bistro. Some items on the menu are taken from cookbooks that you can buy right there in the store as well as locally supplied desserts. A couple servers complimented Officer Lauren’s Tenth Doctor dress. Restaurant inside of a bookstore? Definitely geek-friendly.

Since it was our inaugural event, we went with the Favorite Fandom theme. Members were encouraged to come dressed in their favorite fannish gear. For those who couldn’t decide or who didn’t have anything with their fandom on it, Officer Amanda provided geeky pins. They covered everything from Star Wars to Harry Potter and even Labyrinth. We also talked about how we got into nerdy stuff as kids, what our first online fandoms were, and what we were currently reading.

At the end of our meal, we discussed when we should meet again and what theme we wanted to go with. Everyone who attended the first meeting decided that every other month at the moment might work best, so we will choose a day in August to meet again. The theme for then will be DC Comics, in honor of the Suicide Squad coming out at the beginning of the month.

Following brunch, we looked around the store which had plenty of titles to offer no matter what type of genre you’re into. We shared our YA picks with the world because you don’t have to be a teen to enjoy them.

Though it was a small turn out, we all enjoyed ourselves and shared a good meal together. Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for more updates.

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