GGB Fort Collins – Indie Comics//Nerdy Show and Tell!

Our brunch theme was Indie Comics. We did a comic exchange, where the ladies would pre-register a comic and we would keep track of it on a spreadsheet to ensure that there were no duplicates. We chose Cafe Vino as our venue, and we had an amazing waitress that was very into our gathering. They also conveniently seated us next to the wine room.

This theme was a challenging one for us to come up with good ideas for a thematic brunch offering, so we got adorable polka dotted bags and filled them with Kit Kats, Warheads, and TMNT stickers. We tied the bag shut with some ribbon that had a charm on it – a martini glass with an adorable star where the olives would be.

We started off our brunch with nearly everyone ordering bottomless mimosas – a good start to any day, in our opinion.

We then played a game we called, “Name That Geek.” We had the ladies each write 5 facts about themselves on a note card and turn them into the officers. The officers then read the 5 facts out loud and everyone had to guess who the facts were about. We had a three-way tie for a winner, with 7/10 correct answers, and all three ladies got cute prizes to take home.
After our game, we had a great round of Show & Tell. Everyone got up one at a time and brought something that represented either themselves, their hard work, or something that they loved – sometimes, all three! We also found out that the Enterprise only has two bathrooms.
After we showed off the great things that we all brought, we exchanged our Indie Comics. Everyone had wrapped them so thoughtfully – some ladies even wanted to keep the wrapping paper intact so that they could keep it. We started the exchange by having one person pick from the pile of comics. They would then open it, and the lady who brought the comic talked about why they chose it and what it was about. See the gallery below for some images of our comic exchange.
We concluded brunch by announcing our next theme and extending an invite for everyone to head to Free Comic Book Day at Gryphon Games and Comics, a local gaming store and coffee shop, to join us for some festivities. We all got free comics and watched board game demos and got artist prints and had a great time. We are all looking forward to our next brunch for Officer Sarah’s birthday!