GGB DFW Whedonverse Brunch

The DFW GGB ladies met for a Whedonverse-themed brunch on March 13 at The Social House Uptown in Dallas, in honor of Buffy, Dr. Horrible, Angel, Firefly, Dollhouse, Avengers, and everything else Joss Whedon took part in. We had a full house and some really lovely cosplay, including Inara from Firefly and Dr. Horrible from Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog.

We had the whole upper floor of the Social House to ourselves, which gave us plenty of room to display our fabulous raffle items during the meal! Our pre-brunch Facebook discussions made it clear that we had a lot of Browncoats among our brunchettes, so our raffle items were appropriately themed. They included a signed Joss Whedon picture donated by GGB officer Providence, a piece of Firefly artwork from Papyrusaurus donated by Alaya, a Browncoat Makeup set from Espionage Cosmetics donated by GGB officer Sandra, a Firefly apron donated by Geek Me Up, and a Joss Whedon keychain by Zack Morrisettee donated by GGB officer Taff.

Each brunchette also received Buffy the Vampire Slayer buttons made by GGB officer Taff and paper umbrellas hand-painted by Alaya, Sandra, and John to look like Kaylee’s parasol in Firefly. Our servers loved the buttons so much that they asked for some themselves! We were all ready to slay some vampires, impress Bad Horse, and resist the Alliance together!

We look forward to reconvening at our next brunch, a Star Trek themed brunch on April 10, at the Reata Restaurant in Fort Worth. Whatever your Star Trek passion may be (our Facebook discussion has demonstrated a deep and abiding love for TNG), you are welcome to geek out with us!