GGB San Antonio’s January Star Wars Brunch!

The San Antonio chapter of the GGB met on a gorgeous January day to celebrate the release of the newest move of Star Wars! We partnered with another new restaurant, Ajuua – Mexican Bar & Grill, known far and wide throughout the Empire as the Riia’s Shorts of all things brunch and bar drinks.

The sit rep of the morning was to show up in our Star Wars finest for a clandestine meeting of all the things we have loved. There were ewoks, princesses, rebels, siths, and fly girls in a million varied, amazing shirts representing all their sides and favorites sitting down together for us.
The brunch was a delight for every Spacer among us, who filled up heaping plates of food beside their colorful drinks, and thinks there were a plenty to be had in spades, with two different challenges in the runnings.

The day of merriment was had from beginning to end, the girls showing up to coloring sheets and the renown SA GBB community-created bags, which never disappoint.
The grab bags for Star Wars had BB8 erasers, rebel pilot dog tags for hanging on rearview mirrors, stickers for sides, stickers for the Galactic Empire, foot long Star Wars pencils, sets of 8 Star Wars Valentines, pearler beaded & popsicle sticked “light sabers” for dueling, pearler beaded storm trooper masks (some with the new movie blood!), Darth Vader Crayons, Star Wars candy, R2-D2/New Star Wars stickers, StormTrooper cookies, Princess Leia “cinnamon buns,” and etched shot glasses.

Alas, this time we didn’t get a big group shot, but we did end up with both a full shot of our officers (for the first time in months) as well as a picture of our new Official San Antonio GGB Photographer.