World Suicide Prevention Day

A special note from the founders:
I hold in my hand a prescription bottle for Zoloft. My temporary psychiatrist at the time (they’re assigning me a new one, because my old one left) suggested it almost immediately, after what felt like 5 minutes of conversation and reviewing my file. Said I could use some “evening out”. My file ranked me on the moderate to severe end of the depression scale a “Class II crazy,” I muse . They started this file after I checked myself into the psych ward. Because I wanted to do something stupid. Because I wanted someone to stop me. And though not everyone is that self-aware, we all need the help. Whether or not we’re willing to admit it. From time to time, we all need help.
Help comes in many forms. You may not be required to literally talk someone off a ledge— there are pros available for that and we’ll get to them in a sec— but you can reach out and show you care. Today is World Suicide Prevention Day and on behalf of our #GGBDoBetter initiative, myself and my fellow cofounders Jamila and Rachel, would strongly encourage that you reach out to someone today. Say “hey.” Pay a visit, a compliment. Tell someone you love them. Check in on an old friend. A new friend. A casual acquaintance. Does your coworker seem bummed? Buy him or her a cookie. Seriously. A little kindness goes a long way, and the smallest gestures may make a world of difference to someone.
If you find that you are in need of help, we especially want you to reach out. Whatever help that may be, if we don’t have the answers, we can direct you to the people who do. Take a moment to look at our Emergency Contacts page. And if we’re missing anything, do get in touch and we’ll update it right away.
GGB is a thriving community of amazing girls. Our goal is to foster an environment that is— among many things— fun, safe, and caring. There is no lack of compassion at GGB. We are here for each other. We are here for you.