GGB Phoenix – Girlies in a Half Shell

Greetings from sunny Phoenix, Arizona! Our inaugural brunch was Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles themed and aptly titled “Girlies in a Half-Shell.” The Phoenix Chapter really dug our theme with a few handmade outfits and lots of fan favorite t-shirts.
Local artist Joey Reyes made us this incredible original artwork to celebrate the event. This is the print that members signed for us when they checked in!
Shown above, Phoenix officers Amanda and Janelle. Officer Erin was not able to attend do to a recent relocation to California – we missed her a lot! She was there in spirit, though, updating our social media during the event and stalking our hashtag ‪#‎GGBPhx‬.
We decided to host our first event in the heart of downtown Phoenix at the especially delicious food truck turned gastropub, Pizza People Pub. Not only is the service great, but they offer amazing menu items such as the “Happy Mac” (a pizza with mac and cheese ON TOP), “Drewpy Fries Morning Scramble” (potato wedges served with cheese sauce, scrambled eggs, prosciutto, bacon, and green onions), daily drink specials like Huckleberry Punch, and menu items in gluten-free and vegan to cater to any members with food allergies.
To start the morning off right, we handed out a member scavenger hunt. This game, which required the girls to find other members who match one of the descriptions listed in the hunt, got the girls socializing right away. A handful of winners went home with 11×17″ prints to remember the event!
For our gift bags, officer Janelle created fun masks, while the incredibly generous Tiny Bee Cards and Things4Thinkers donated pizza greeting cards and Ninja Turtle cookie cutters respectively. For our free raffle, we were able to give away a Donatello apron and newly debuted item, a handmade Leonardo backpack (donated by KirkCraft), four Lego action figure necklaces (one for each turtle donated by Bricks Rock), and a skirt featuring our favorite sewer surfin’ ninjas (handcrafted and donated by Janelle’s Mom)!
With an attendance of 25 girls total, we had a pretty spectacular launch and we cannot wait until our “Back to Hogwarts” brunch in September! Until that time, ladies, TURTLE POWER!
Thank you to our sponsors
“Pizza Love Card” from Tiny Bee Cards
“TMNT Cookie Cutter” from Things4Thinkers
“Handmade TMNT Apron and backpack” from KirkCraft
“TMNT LEGO Minifig Necklaces” from Bricks Rock
Our official brunch artist Joey Reyes for creating “Punch at Brunch”
And our wonderful venue, Pizza People Pub
We can’t wait for the next brunch 🙂