GGB Montreal – Avengers Brunch

For our inaugural brunch, the Montreal officers decided on an Avengers themed brunch at Eggspectations on Maisonneuve, followed by a field trip to watch the film together. Everyday cosplay as your favourite Avenger was encouraged, which lead to a great Doctor Banner cosplay and Sarah, who arrived in a full Black Widow cat suit!
The location was chosen mostly for proximity to the theater, but the sheer number of food options made sure that everyone was satisfied. Seriously, we each had three (!) separate menus. Although it was a moderate turn-out, considering it was the middle of exam/arts funding application season, I think we did okay. We hadn’t had time to reach out to vendors for swag, but we had fun sharing the loot we got in our welcome pack with everyone who attended.
The best moment of the outing was of course watching Avengers: Age of Ultron together! We were all so excited, we made quite the scene outside the cinema trying to take pictures in front of the marquee. Luckily we managed to find a fellow geek-girl to take the picture for us. She even informed the rather impatient crowd trying to get in to take their seats that we were having “fandom issues,” and that they would have to wait. Oops. We gave her a card, so hopefully she can join us at our next event!
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