Our MARVELous Brunch Sponsors
Every time we brunch we get bigger and better. Our Marvel Brunch was our biggest one to date, we had 29 brunchettes attend! We’ll blog all about brunch very soon, but our brunch wouldn’t have been as MARVELous if it weren’t for our amazing Etsy sponsors. Each of these creators and sellers went above and beyond to make sure our brunchettes had fantastic swag. Without them our brunch wouldn’t have been the same. Geek Girl Brunch and all of the brunchettes thank you! Heart their shops on Etsy and follow them online!
Marvel Brunch Sponsors!
- Etsy: theVulcanForgeShop
- Facebook : Facebook.com/vulcandesignforge
- Tumblr: vulcandesignforge.tumblr.com
- Etsy– Etsy.com/shop/BowsNoArrows
- Instagram– @bowsnoarrows
- Etsy- Etsy.com/shop/le8bit
- Blog- le8bit.com
- Instagram- @le8bit
- Twitter- @le8bit
Luck Be A Lady Cosmetics
- Etsy- Etsy.com/shop/LuckBeALadyCosmetics
- Twitter- @Luckbe_aLady
Tara’s Attire
8-Bit Hero
- Etsy- Etsy.com/shop/8bitherodotorg
- Website- 8bithero.org
Rio’s Bows
- Etsy- Etsy.com/shop/RiosBows
- Facebook- Facebook.com/pages/Rios-BOws/141403269208622