Greenville, South Carolina

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Geek Girl Brunch Greenville


Official Chapter Launch:
July 2018

Strong Female Characters



Origin Story:
My love of geek life started when my Dad took me to see Star Wars at age 4. From that point on I was hooked. I’ve loved comics before they were cool and was the only female member of a comic book club in high school. Once in college I expanded my world with Japanese horror films, H.P. Lovecraft and Monty Python. As an undercurrent to all these things I have always had a love of books, art and crafting. I am currently obsessed with all things Harry Potter and Instagram pages about really, really tiny things.
Current Life:
Married with two small children and a dog that (really) hates groundhogs. I have a small business where I make and sale jewelry, as well as host DIY crafting workshops and events.

Geeky Top Ten: Star Wars, Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, Wizard of Oz, Horror Films, Marvel, Monty Python, HP Lovecraft, Crafting DIY, True Crime

Brunch Drink of Choice: Mimosa

Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw


Origin Story:
I’ve been a geek over one thing or another for as long as I can remember, but my first ‘fandoms’ were Jurassic Park, The X-Files, and Star Wars. My love of reading later led me to Tolkien and then Harry Potter, but it was my love of the Song of Ice and Fire novels that really drew me into geek culture as a whole. I got into conventions and cosplaying around 2010 (first with Star Wars Celebration and then with Dragon Con), and nothing has been the same since!
Current Life:
I’ve lived in and loved Greenville, SC since 2007. I call my house the Hobbit Hole and fill it with my own pets (2 dogs, 2 cats) and from time to time, foster dogs from a variety of local rescues. I write for a pop culture website (The Geekiary), produce two webcasts and a podcast, and run Ice & Fire Con, an ASOIAF/Game of Thrones convention that I helped found in 2012.

Geeky Top Ten: Red Dead Redemption, ASOIAF, Red Rising, Star Wars, Harry Potter, Jurassic Park, Battlestar Galactica, The Expanse, Lord of the Rings, Marvel

Brunch Drink of Choice: Depends on the day and the restaurant! But any sort of coffee drink with liquor tends to win me over more often than not.

Twitter: @ageeksaga
Instagram: @ageeksaga
Facebook: A Geek Saga