Shark Week Brunch – GGB Fort Collins!

Shark Week Brunch – GGB Fort Collins!

Shark Week Brunch!

“You’re gonna need a bigger boat.” – Chief Brody, JAWS

For our 16th brunch, GGB Fort Collins celebrated all things sharks! Shark Week, JAWS, Sharknado, sharks with friggin laser beams attached to their heads… you get the idea. We convened at Smokin’ Fins for some delicious seafood – so we could feel like super fancy sharks! And our server, as seen in the photo below, fell madly in love with officer Jakki (note the side glance in her direction). But sadly, his love did not manifest itself in free food.

Group photo of the shark week brunch ladies
The fabulous group in attendance at our Shark Week brunch!

For our favors, our officers put together goody bags with shark bubbles, a lollipop, a collection of fossil shark teeth (donated by brunchette Harmony), a tiny shark glass clinger, and a business card from GGB Boss Elizabeth Tolbert with Keller Williams.

Photo of shark week favors
The Shark Week Favors!

Each lady broke the ice by introducing herself and explaining what kind of shark was her favorite shark and why. Answers ranged from “Wobbegongs because they look funny” to “Greenland sharks because they are blind but can still live hundreds of years and not be bothered.”

For our first activity, each lady was given a sheet with fill-in-the-blank shark trivia, which also included some bonus questions from JAWS and Sharknado. The lady with the most correct answers won a prize of her choosing, and Robyn chose the Shark Treats bag!
Robyn received a mini great white shark, a travel fishing game, a cat pirate art print, a beach sticker sheet, and a free game of bowling!

Robyn smiling with her prize bag
Robyn with her prize bag from the first activity

For our second activity, we played another of our hilariously inventive role playing games which we called “Shark Death”. First, we gave each lady a shark-movie character trope that would be her character in the game. For example, we had the “monologuing asshole”, who, in their vain attempt to inform everyone else of their stupidity, gets eaten by a shark that pops out of a sea hole. But why would you stand so close to the sea hole?
After the tropes were randomly assigned, we numbered off the ladies and rolled a D20 to determine who would die first using our “Shark Death Cards”. Each card contained a photo and a description from a real shark movie about how that character died. For example, in “Ghost Shark”, our lady accidentally slip-n-slide’d into the open mouth of the ghost shark. RIP.

Don’t accidentally slip-n-slide into the jaws of ghost shark!

The person that survived all the rounds of Shark Death was Ketara! She won a Shark-zilla print, a shark sticker pack, some shark fabric for crafting, and a hammerhead shark toy.

Ketara wins the second activity!

Finally we chose our raffle winners! Officer Sarah won the shark necklace created for us once again by the lovely SuperNova Designs. Nichole won a JAWS makeup bag and Liz won some shark salt and pepper shakers (donated by Nichole)!

To conclude our brunch we announced our next theme: Stephen King! We also discussed logistics for our upcoming booth at Fort Collins Comic Con and we are very lucky to have such helpful and accommodating ladies!

We love our brunchettes and we appreciate all of their support and joy! We can’t wait to see you at our future events.

Sarah, Jakki, and Allison
GGB Fort Collins

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