GGB Miami- Harry Potter Brunch

The Miami officers planned a Harry Potter themed inaugural brunch that would be hosted by Rok: Brgr in South Miami on April 26th. They were generous enough to allow us a big chunk of their outdoor space on their busiest day and time of the week: Sunday brunch! We wanted to make this very special for our new brunchettes, so we reached out to vendors for specialty swag. Each brunchette received a swag bag full of goodies (see full list below) and we gave away some adorable threads from So Effing Cute for the best dressed witch, as well as trivia winners!
Sure these add-ons were great, but honestly, what made the event so special for us personally was the beautiful positive energy swirling around the tables that you could basically touch. Every single girl got along great, and ice breakers weren’t even needed. There was never a break in conversation! Plus, everyone was so grateful as the brunch wrapped up, and equally excited for the next event. They even had to basically kick us out of the restaurant – no one wanted to stop chatting! Overall, it was a truly magical morning!

Potter Prints; Afternoon Coffee
Mini Sticker Packs; ScrawnyGirl
Temporary Tattoos: Geek Ink Designs
Potions & Soaps; PennyWhistle Potions
Bracelet Gift Packs; The Colorful Geek
Earrings; Juniper & Ivy Designs
Bookmarks; JustKnottingAround