GGB NYC – Brunch Like Batgirl

The Geek Girl Brunch – NYC Chapter had their DC Comics themed brunch this past Saturday and HOLY TONS OF GEEK GIRLS BATMAN! We had such an amazing time with you all! Thank you for coming! This was GGB NYC’s biggest brunch to date with more than 60 attendees! We are so grateful and proud that GGB is helping making IRL connections for so many Geek Girls! Many thanks to everyone who made this DC Comics themed brunch possible. A custom illustration from Cameron Stewart (squeee!) kicked us off; and we had an awesome Sponsor and a great venue for brunch! Absolutely one of the best brunches yet! We can’t wait to see what else awaits us in 2015! Read on after the cut for deets on our brunch Sponsor – Forbidden Planet (!!!!), the Venue – Playwright Irish Pub, the amazing Etsy sellers who gifted the brunchettes with stylish and fun accessories, and some surprise swag from Warner Bros!

Thanks to our host venue, Playwright Irish Pub and it’s geek girl manager, Kim, NYC brunchettes were able to #brunchlikebatgirl with a custom menu just for us! Playwright is down with social media and had screens showing live feeds of anyone posting to the hashtag #playwright35th! The brunchettes quickly filled the feed with their instagram shots and celebratory tweets! We were also able to play some appropriately DC Comics themed cartoons on additional screens at the venue. Kim really turned the dining area into a Geek Girl Brunch space for the afternoon–even printing custom menus of tasty food for us– and it was pretty awesome!
HUGE THANKS TO FORBIDDENÂ PLANET! They gave each and every one of the attending brunchettes FP totebags full of comics (Secret Six, Batgirl, Batwoman, Wonder Woman, Catwoman and more – the essentials really!) and some of the brunchettes even got special bonus swag bags containing everything from a copy of Grant Morrison’s Multiversity #1 variant to a hardback of Frank Quitely’s DC art book! Check twitter and instagram at #brunchlikebatgirl for all the swag pics! NYC Officers (and your GGB Founders) Yissel and Rachel were absolutely floored when they arrived at Forbidden Planet to pick up the brunchette swag bags. We’re very grateful that FP is as excited about the Geek Girl brunchettes as we are! Forbidden Planet also gave us a limited edition Batman cookie jar that we raffled off! But more on that below!
Etsy Seller Swag
The brunchettes got some mad DC Comics love from some very crafty Etsy Sellers! Please check out their stores for affordable and cute accessories to decorate with and wear! Support the sellers that support us!
 They Might Be Buttons – This Brooklyn-based shop’s buttons were immediately worn by the attending brunchettes! The large buttons are covered using only licensed fabrics and come in a variety of pop culture themes! The DC themed buttons featured all our fav DC ladies (and gents!)! They are large, colorful and they even come in a necklace form!
 8BitHero – One of our favorite Etsy sellers (they also donated to us for Marvel Brunch back in August), High quality stickers and magnets featuring our favorite characters in the most adorable sprite forms! We’re partial to the magnets especially!
 Mica Meyers – Mica sent us a ton of cleverly crafted DC Comics buttons made from old comic books! We heard from brunchettes that these buttons would be making regular appearances on work blazers and bags! We love that idea!

Murmur Bows – The lovely bows from this Etsy seller were a highly coveted commodity at brunch! They were gifted to some of the brunchettes that attended in cosplay! The perfect accessory for the creatively stylish Geek Girl!
The Bear Accessories – this Etsy seller sent us some Nightwing themed earrings that everyone wanted and only a few got! Check out the shop for more! Be the envy of your friends! (No seriously, everyone wanted those earrings!)
Not to be left out on the fun, Warner Bros sent us some awesome #JupiterAscending gifts for the brunchettes! Brunchettes got posters, t-shirts, buttons and even temporary tattoos to take home! Jupiter Ascending is the new SciFi epic from the Creators of The Matrix and it stars Mila Kunis and Channing Tatum! There are shiny capes and a strong leading lady in this movie! Channing Tatum is a space elf! Mila wears stunning costumes! OMG THE COSTUMES.
We’re down! This is our jam! Thanks so much to Warner Bros for getting us excited for this film, out February 6th. We even heard a rumor that the film will be accompanied by the trailer for the new Batman Vs Superman movie! Brunchette field trip!
Near the end of brunch we talked about Geek Girl Brunch’s new #GGBDoBetter campaign and our plans to make 2015 about improving ourselves and the communities we live in! We want to partner with charities, volunteers orgs and you! Send us your stories, whether it’s about doing something to make life better for yourself or others we want to know about it! And if you have any ideas for your chapter to Do Better, let your officers know your ideas! As part of that new focus we decided to raffle off some amazing items at brunch in order to raise some money for the #GGBDoBetter campaign.
-NYC Brunchette, Chavon of GeekyandCreepy donated a ton of custom work to be raffled off! She makes super cute frames and notebooks! She provided some finished products and some made-to-order items! Thanks so much to her and congratulations to the winners! It’s so generous of her to donate!
-Brenden Fletcher (yes, THAT one) gave us a SIGNED Gotham Academy poster that also went into the raffle! He even wrote “I love Geek Girl Brunch” on it! Definitely a special item to commemorate our DC Comics brunch and it absolutely inspired some competitive raffle ticket buying! Thanks so much, Brenden! You’re the best!
And now for a brief but important PSA:
Gotham Academy is the best comic you’re not reading. Because of that, we’re in danger of losing it and thus future titles like it. Ladies, if you like Harry Potter, if you like YA, if you like shoujo manga, or just appreciate gorgeous artwork (at GGB HQ we love ALL those things!) then we implore you to go out and buy Gotham Academy today. We NEED this comic. We deserve it. Let’s show the world what a driving force Geek Girl Brunch can be by saving it.
At HQ we’re looking forward to picking up our two issues of Gotham Academy! Show us yours!

-Finally, we raffled off the limited edition Batman cookie jar from Forbidden Planet! So many raffle tickets were sold! So many brunchettes wanted to win! But only one could! It was super fun to raffle off such a special item!
As a result of the raffle we raised $211 dollars that will go directly into the #GGBDoBetter fund! It’s an AWESOME way to start out 2015 and we can’t wait to see how much money we can raise for that fund throughout the year! And don’t forget, brunchettes! Send us your ideas for how we could Do Better! What are your favorite charities, local orgs and volunteer groups?

So glad the Brunchettes liked the fabric-covered buttons ! If you didn’t get the one you really wanted, or you’d like to see our items from Marvel comics (including Marvel Kawaii !), Star Wars, Star Trek, Pokemon, Disney, Retro and more, use code GGB10 for 10% off any $8 purchase !
Such an awesome brunch!! Can’t wait for the next one.